Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1672 The spicier the better

Qin Cui panted: "I won't eat, I don't have time."

The river fresh food was poured out and the wicker basket was thrown out. The energy did not indicate the arrogance of the talented person at all. It can be seen that everyone has potential, but it is just that the time is not enough to realize it.

Now that the time has come, Qin Cui is no ambiguity at all compared to Fan Yao who is used to doing rough work.

Wei Zi and He Xiang also said: "Let's wait and see after we have been busy for a while. There are so many river fish waiting to be caught. How can we eat without eating?"

I was so anxious after seeing so many good things that I didn’t even care about food anymore.

Luo Bi turned around, thinking that it wasn't worth it if she couldn't fight with her stomach. Luo Bi was good at cooking. She walked to the buckets of river fresh food and worked from eight or nine in the morning to noon. She had already harvested a lot of river fresh food. Twenty buckets were more than enough, not counting the ones outside the buckets that had no time to pick up.

After taking a look, Luo Bi was surprised, "Damn, it's all delicious river food."

All kinds of river seafood were mixed together. Luo Bi shook his head and looked underneath. There were actually a lot of river clams and river clams. This kind of shelled river seafood was very delicious whether it was stir-fried or grilled.

It takes time for river clams and river clams to spit out mud. Luo Bi didn't have time, so she grabbed half a basin and threw in a section of herbs and put it aside to spit out mud. When she came back, she turned her attention to other river fresh food.

The red claw crabs were delicious. I picked five of them. The orange shrimps were even more delicious. I picked five of them. Plus two blue crabs, it was enough for several women. Luo Bi took it to the spring not far away to clean it, picked it up, marinated it briefly, and put the whole thing on the small grill.

Qin Cui glanced out of the corner of her eye and threw a handful of green vegetables to Luo Bi: "Put in river fresh food and make a soup. Add in chili peppers. Add more chili peppers. It will be spicy and tasty."

"How much more spicy do you want...?" Luo Bi couldn't help but laugh, feeling incredible: "How much is too much? And Wei Zi and He Xiang, how spicy do you eat? Do you add chili pepper to the roasted river delicacies?"

"Put all the chilies in, the spicier the better." He Xiang finished speaking loudly, pursed his lips, and dragged a wicker basket full of river fresh food ashore with his hands.

Luo Bi: "..." Nothing to say, he is awesome.

Luo Bi didn't know how spicy the hotter the better, so she grabbed a handful of dried red peppers to make soup, then crushed a handful and sprinkled them on the grilled river freshness. The red pepper is very spicy. The bright red pepper is sprinkled on the river fish and it chokes the nose. You don't even taste it to know how spicy it is.

Luo Bi made something else for herself, but she couldn't even take a bite.

Halfway through the meal, Luo Bi ran to the river and threw a small mud ball. With a "boom", He Xian was in ecstasy again. Wei Zi, He Xiang, and Qin Cui took the time to throw out the wicker basket. They all saw the power of the small mud balls. If you can use one less, you must catch them fast.

After lunch was cooked, Luo Bi called for dinner: "Hurry up, it's already past noon, hurry up and eat."

"Come right now." Wei Zi said, and stopped after ten minutes.

Because of the lack of manpower, a lot of river fish fell on the ground. Qin Cui couldn't help but find that there was only one river fish that he had worked so hard to catch, so he hurriedly picked it up and threw it into the bucket. Wei Zi and He Xiang followed suit and took more than ten minutes to pick them up.

By the time we sat down at the dinner table, it was already half an hour later. If we didn't go on a mission, it would be lunch break time.

Wei Zi can eat spicy food, Qin Cui has also practiced it, and He Xiang is okay, but he eats spicy food just to stay strong. After taking a sip, He Xiang took out a box of yogurt from the storage bracelet without saying a word. He opened a bottle first and drank it while the others did as they pleased.

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