Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1673 Success

When Luo Bi saw this situation, she knew that the ingredients were too spicy, so she asked tentatively: "Would you like to make another portion?"

He Xiang couldn't speak, Wei Tiao took two mouthfuls of yogurt and shook his head: "After eating, I still have to work. I don't have time to redo it. If it's too spicy, drink more water. There's still yogurt."

He Xiang finally regained his composure and nodded hurriedly: "I still have another box, so feel free to drink it."

After saying that, no one cared about it. After drinking one bottle and then opening another, I ate the river delicacies. One mouthful of river delicacies and two mouthfuls of yogurt. The spicier the food, the more I wanted to eat it. Qin Cui didn't say anything. She started eating, cracking open the crab shells, dipping the crab meat in the spicy sauce, and drank several sips of water.

Luo Bi felt a little sorry. She had seen how tired Wei Zi and the others were. It was so spicy that they couldn't even eat it. She couldn't explain it. She passed her non-spicy portion to several people, but all three of them said they wouldn't eat it.

"How can I transport so much seafood back?" Wei Tiao ate quickly, eating a red claw crab and a blue crab. He was still unsatisfied, and then picked up a grilled orange shrimp: "If you use the transport spaceship of the military department, all Half of the harvest is second, and the main thing is what if other people see us catching delicious river fish and catch them tomorrow too?"

Wei Zi is not worried about others catching river fresh food, she is worried about others taking advantage of it.

After finally finding a way to earn interstellar coins, who is willing to share it with unrelated people? Wei Zi didn't want to, and neither did Qin Cui and He Xiang. The families of Jade Bamboo Star and Zhihuang Star are still related. As for other planets? It has nothing to do with interstellar coins.

Qin Cui took a sip of yogurt and said, "It's a problem for Yun Hexian to go back. I'll ask my elder brother when I'm busy in the afternoon. Luo Bi can mention it to Feng Ling, and Captain He. Everyone wants to talk about it." Think of a way, or if it doesn’t work, apply for a small military transport spacecraft.”

Wei Zi was not to be outdone: "My cousin can also get a small military transport spacecraft."

Wei Yu was born in the military and currently holds an important position on Feizhu Planet. He is indeed capable of mobilizing a small transport spacecraft.

Luo Bi couldn't make up her mind, and she preferred General Qi Lan from the bottom of her heart, so after dinner she immediately went to Xiaoyan Mountain to find Fengling and expressed her thoughts. Fengling was surprised that Luo Bi and a few women actually caught the aggressive river fish. After asking about the method, she knew that her worries were unnecessary.

Luo Bi never did anything she was unsure of. If she dared to provoke the aggressive He Xian, she thought of a way to deal with him.

I couldn't get it right every time, but I succeeded the first time I tried it.

Feng Ling clicked his tongue, dialed Admiral Qi Lan, and applied for a small military spaceship.

General Qi Lan asked after Luo Bi wanted to use it, and immediately said: "You let Luo Bi connect to the express, and I will tell her."

Feng Ling gave the message to Luo Bi, and Luo Bi was surprised when she took it. He was applying for a military transport spaceship, or in the name of the First Combat Team. The general had something to say to her.

"What are you telling me?" Luo Bi was confused.

"How many women did you bring to catch the aggressive fish?" Admiral Qi Lan asked with a good temper.

Luo Bi nodded and said happily, "I caught quite a few of them, and they are all fish with high nutritional value, the kind that are delicious."

General Qi Lan raised his eyebrows, but he wasn't jealous, the five thousand combat elites headed by Bai Yan caught a lot of fish in one throw, and the number of women caught was limited, so he didn't take it seriously.

Admiral Qi Lan didn't care how much he could catch.

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