Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1674 Start planting mode

Admiral Qi Lan was just a little surprised. Luo Bi's thinking was so strange that you might not even think of it if you think about it. You don't know how she came up with these strange ideas.

Admiral Qi Lan was inexplicably amused, but at the same time was a little thankful that he had a lot of ideas for making a fortune, and that he was united with the First Legion of the Sun Emperor Star, and that was enough.

During these days, Admiral Qi Lan was busy with winter reserve duties, but he still had a gentle chat with Luo Bi.

Luo Bi asked Feng Ling to fight, did she have time for Feng Ling?

Admiral Qi Lan felt that it was almost done, and then said: "Do you want to use a small military transport spaceship to transport fresh water?"

It can be regarded as getting to the point, Luo Bi nodded and expressed his attitude: "You will get half of the supplies."

This is a military regulation, and General Qi Lan did not refuse: "I will give you a new powerful version of a small military transport spacecraft. You can use it as you like during this period. I will send someone to pick up the spaceship and send it to you soon." .”

Luo Bi liked the new ones, so she was happy now, and made up her mind to share half of the supplies of the Sun Emperor Star's First Legion, and she would never be too narrow-minded. No matter how honest people are, they have small thoughts, but Luo Bi doesn't. When others give her convenience, she will naturally treat each other with sincerity.

The admiral has given her a new military transport spaceship, which has never happened elsewhere.

It would be nice if a small military transport ship would take her there, but there's nowhere to put it.

After hanging up the call, Luo Bi took a look at the empty space that Xun Lao had sorted out. Others didn't have such leisure, but Luo Bi did. As long as he was overly cautious, he would naturally pay more attention.

The open space is not far from the battle area of ​​​​Little Rock Mountain. When I walked over, I saw that the small open space was neatly cultivated, even the corners were cultivated around the stones scattered around.

There are weeds and stones all around, and this piece of reclaimed land is new soil.

With just one glance, Robbie is even more convinced that this is something to plant.

Not seeing the spoon, Luo Bi looked around and found the little guy next to a big rock. Xun Shaozi has reclaimed another piece of land now, this one is much smaller than the previous one, the weeds have been cleaned up, and the spoon is turning the ground with its head in hand.

Seeing this scene, Luo Bi felt quite strange. She was not a Thunder Flame warrior, but she knew very well that the array and farming were incompatible. Even if the spiritual array was activated, the two were not in the same field at all.

Can those who go to war be put together with those who farm?

This is absolutely impossible, but Xun Shao's behavior is really weird.

Not only Xun Shaozi, but also the other spoons who opened up their spiritual wisdom this time. They all have the idea of ​​fighting on the battlefield, and they also like to be strange. The same goes for Wenyao's Little Fireball. He aspires to be a chef and likes to gossip. Wherever the excitement goes, this is what a formation should look like.

Xun Lao scooped the ground carefully, as if there was no one around.

Luo Bi stopped for a moment, just as he thought of Wen Yao's little fireball, the little fireball came back.

Little Fireball Fengfeng Huohuo carried a small wicker basket and rolled around on the top of the small rock. He learned how to use a spoon to find a piece of grass without stones, and shot a string of small fireballs to burn the grass.

It also wants to cultivate a piece of land, and the little fireball is curious about everything.

Don't say that Xun Shaozi turns on the planting mode, even if he plans to move stones, Little Fireball will follow suit.

In response, Luo Bi twitched her lips and dug out another handful of small heads from the storage bracelet to give to Little Fireball. She wanted to see what kind of flowers a spoon and an energy fireball could produce.

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