Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1676 Don’t leave even if no one calls you

It doesn't matter if you look at it, good guy, all the baskets are nutritious and delicious!

The main types of crabs are red claw crabs and blue crabs, followed by red claw shrimps, orange shrimps, jumping shrimps, as well as crucian carp, abalone, jinyu, river clams, river clams, and even a lot of radicchio.

What is lettuce?

It's similar to kelp, but tastes more delicious.

This is to pull the good things up, and everyone is excited and full of energy. The children were busy picking up river fish with buckets and basins, and others ran around to help, and the rest was very busy.

Luo Bi went back to Little Rock Mountain, and found someone to introduce abilities into the wicker basket.

This time, the small basket was a bit bigger. After it was filled with river fresh food, one person would definitely not be able to pull it, not even two people. A group of people rushed forward and quickly dragged the large basket of river fresh food ashore.

The ladies no longer care about their appearance. They just threw the rope away and turned around to carry buckets and basins to collect the river fresh food. There was no time to sort it, so they put it away for now. Seeing this situation, they can only wait until they return to Jade Bamboo Star before sorting.

When Tang Shao sent the small transport spaceship over, what he saw was a bountiful harvest scene.

Tang Shao was dumbfounded: "...." Is this fishing freshwater fish? It's just that He Xian jumped up by himself, just like Bai Jian.

Tang Shao looked hot and rolled up his sleeves to have a good time. Luo Bi finally found a person with high martial arts value. He ran over and asked: "You have high combat power. Do you dare to go to the middle of the river with me?"

Tang Shao thought he would drive a suspended sports car over, so he immediately said: "Go, why don't you dare to go? What are you doing in the middle of the river? If you don't have fishing equipment handy, it won't be easy to catch it in the middle of the river."

"Let's talk in the past." Luo Bi first threw a small clay ball and exploded it once. Then she asked Tang Shao to carry a small bamboo basket and throw it into the water. Luo Bi said: "It can accommodate two people. You go up first. I will go up when it is stable."

Tang Shao: "..." Because it's not safe, let him go first? ? ?

All right, Tang Shao lifted his foot onto the small basket, shaking it was okay. Luo Bi went up afterwards, and Tang Shao knew what to do without calling, and propped the small bamboo basket as a boat towards the middle of the river.

The small bamboo basket swayed, and Luo Bi became seasick again.

After feeling it for a while, Luo Bi thought it was okay, even if the river around her was full of river freshness. She carried a small wicker basket as big as a bamboo basket and scooped out the eight abalones.

Tang Shao's eyes lit up when he saw this scene: "This is good, you can pick it up and catch it. You can catch whatever river delicacies you want."

Good, good, but Luo Bi is weak. She scooped up a basket full of eight abalones and couldn't lift them: "It's so heavy, please help me quickly."

Tang Shao stretched out his hand and easily lifted up a small basket of eight abalones, poured them into the bucket and continued to scoop them out with the small basket. The small basket has a handle. If you swing it on the water, it will be half a small basket of river fresh food. If you swing it again, it will be full.

Tang Shao was so happy that he grabbed the small basket and scooped out the food himself. He scooped out various kinds of food, including those that were delicious and valuable, not to mention how refreshing it was.

Now there was no need to hold the small bamboo basket to the middle of the river. They just scooped it up and returned home with a full load. Tang Shao and Luo Bi put the catches aside. After unloading the goods, they went to the river to scoop fresh fish.

Lieutenant General Mi Yue urged him several times, but Tang Shao just said: "It's busy here, we can't get away." He wouldn't leave even if no one called him.

When the work was done in the evening, He Xian loaded all of them onto the small transport spaceship and returned to Jade Bamboo Star to give half to the First Legion of Zhihuang Star.

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