Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1677 That’s enough

General Qi Lan received several tons of delicious river fresh food. He turned around in disbelief and counted the number himself. Then he didn't say anything for a long time. The amount was completely beyond his expectation. It was like a dream.

It was too early to speak, and he was jealous.

Jealous as he was, Admiral Qi Lan thought for a moment and had no intention of participating.

Giving him half of the day's work is enough.

After harvesting river fresh food for two consecutive days, a strong wind blew that night, followed by a heavy rainstorm that had been brewing for a long time. The rain fell fast and hard, with strong winds and terrifying momentum. It rained from night to day without stopping.

The head of the Zhu family sighed after looking at it, and informed the family members that the team would go on missions after the rain stopped.

The team of family members, who had been nervously busy for a while, took advantage of the rainy day to take a full nap. They got up early and went to bed late every day. Everyone was already exhausted, but they were just stretched. On a rainy day, when the string is loosened, I feel uncomfortable everywhere.

After catching up on my sleep, I glanced outside and saw that the heavy rain showed no signs of abating at all.

Some people looked worried, looked at the rain for a long time, and then went back to their houses to continue sleeping.

People with a diligent temperament can't wait to sort out the collected materials and sort them.

At that time, everyone was busy fishing and barely had time to drink water, so each family received all kinds of river fresh food. Even though they were sorted and sorted, it was all mixed up later.

The supplies for that day were distributed on the same day. Because the quantity was considerable, the Zhu family leader did not distribute it by jin or liang when distributing it. It was divided into buckets by buckets or basins by basins. Some were more or less, and no one cared.

If you are really short-sighted, I'm sorry, I won't take you to play next time.

What the hell is a fool doing!

The people Luo Bi befriended were not so short-minded.

Luo Bi slept until she woke up in the middle of the morning. It was still raining heavily outside, and the sound of rain could be heard in her ears. Luo Bi walked to the yard to watch. There was a gust of wind and rain, and the whole sky was gloomy.

Luo Bi was fascinated and was thinking about going on a mission. Luo Hang came in and asked, "Have you had breakfast? Your mother made something delicious. Should I bring it to you or should you eat it yourself?"

"I don't know." Luo Bi didn't want to talk, she felt exhausted after being idle.

Luo Hang glared: "Are you hungry?"

"Not hungry."

Luo Hang took a deep breath: "Have you fed the livestock and poultry at home?"

"The poultry was not fed." She didn't eat it herself, and she still cared about whether the poultry was eaten or not. Luo Bi said: "The poultry was all eaten, not a single native pig was left, and the winged rabbit was gone. There was only one pheasant. My father took the time to clean it up and eat it. .”

"There isn't even a single native pig left?" Luo Hang walked towards the hill to the south of the yard and stopped when he heard this.

"Who are you asking?" Luo Bi felt a little more energetic. She was planning to raise her eyebrows and said confidently: "I don't eat much. I don't know how much you have eaten! All the native pigs have been eaten."

Luo Hang: "······."

Luo Hang remembered that Luo Bi brewed purple wine a while ago and had to eat it every day. It was not a disaster to the poultry and livestock at home. It's not unusual at all to say that they ate up all the native pigs, but it's good that they didn't bring disaster to the partridges as well.

Luo Hang went to the planting field along the eaves to feed the partridges. He pointed at Luo Bi and fed them, and the partridges starved to death.

This time, Luo Bi got the most portion of river fresh food. The Zhu Family Master made the final decision. Half of it was given to the First Legion of Zhihuang Star, and twenty barrels were given to Luo Bi. The rest was divided equally among everyone, including Tang Shao.

Tang Shao accepted it without any courtesy, and he also contributed.

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