Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1678 Women and Children Join the Battle

Luo Bi looked tired and was in a trance. Mrs. Zhu came to visit and said, "What are you doing at home? I had a good sleep and I am exhausted, so I came to chat with you."

"I don't want to move either." Luo Bi led people to the outdoor living room. When the wind blew, the green vines were covered with rainwater, and they were full of life: "I don't feel it when I'm working, but I feel uncomfortable when I'm free."

"That's all." Madam Zhu entered the living room and sat down.

While the two were chatting, Wei Tiao and He Xiang also came to visit, and then Huang Xinling also came. Huang Xinling brought a bag of freshly fried river melon seeds, Mrs. Huang fried it herself, it was crispy and fragrant, and Huang Xinling generously divided each person.

Apart from her, we are all adults. Who would want to eat her food? Just taste it and then don’t want it.

The harvest of these two days left everyone unsatisfied. The topic of river fresh food opened their mouths. You said something to me, and several women burst into laughter when they talked about it. As he talked, the topic drifted from river freshness to the mission, and from the mission to the weather.

Anyway, one topic follows another.

It was this harmonious atmosphere that made Luo Bi play happily. The more she played, the more energetic she became. When Mrs. Zhu proposed a dinner party, she agreed.

Mrs. Zhu is good at entertaining guests, so a group of people went to Zhu's house. Mrs. Huang and Mrs. Luo also went, as well as Xu Yi, Lan Xi, and Bai Rui. After a meal, the better they could continue playing in the afternoon.

As a result, I was so tired that I took a lunch break when I got home and slept until dark.

Okay, there’s no need for a party, it’s already dark, we’ll have dinner and go to sleep.

The heavy rain continued to fall the next day, and the mission schedule continued to be postponed. Some people continued to sleep, and some continued to clean up their housework. There are planting fields outside the safety zone. I went to check it out in the morning. When I came back, I was so anxious that I visited each other to discuss countermeasures.

"The autumn harvest is about to begin in the next two days. How can we harvest if it keeps raining?"

"It's been raining for several days. It's probably time to stop. Just wait!"

“If I had known better, I would have harvested it earlier.”

"Aren't you talking nonsense? You just talk about useless things."

The head of the Zhu family is also anxious about the autumn harvest at this moment. He will observe the rain from time to time. When the rain stops and the sky clears up, he will immediately organize people to harvest. We have to rush to harvest. I don’t know when it will rain again that day. Everyone is looking forward to the next season’s food.

The sergeants were sent out to help each household harvest wheat and rice. The Jade Bamboo Star was first built, and the first season's grain growth was gratifying.

Leiyan warriors, women and children all went into battle, and the whole family went out to collect it. The adults are harvesting in the front, and the children in the back are picking ears of wheat and rice, just like the strong wind sweeping away the fallen leaves, waiting for the good weather to dry them.

The autumn harvest atmosphere was high, and Luo Hang and Guan Zhuting were too busy to eat. Luo Bi was not good at farm work, but she could still cook. I picked up the pheasant, marinated it with seasonings, grilled it until browned on both sides, boiled twenty tea eggs, and took them to the planting field.

Luo Hang's mouth twitched: "Did you take care of that pheasant?"

Luo Bi said "Ah": "Do you look like a partridge?"

It's either a partridge or a pheasant. At first glance, it looks like a whole roasted pheasant. Why do you ask?

As soon as Luo Hang heard this voice, he knew that he was impatient, and called Guan Zhuting to eat: "Eat more, we are still busy in the afternoon, finish harvesting this field before dark, and harvest another field tomorrow."

Guan Zhuting was hungry early after working all morning, so she asked Luo Bi, "Have you eaten?"

"Don't worry about me, I don't do any hard work." Luo Bi waited for her parents to have dinner, then packed up and went home.

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