Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1685 This job was not done by Wen’s little fireball

Luo Bi replied: "I know it myself."

No matter what, Fengling followed her, took a short rest after eating, and then led the men to continue fighting.

It is more difficult to throw Warcraft and exotic beasts on a rainy day, but it is better than getting nothing at all. It is not necessarily easy even if you lead a group to hunt on such a day.

This year's undeveloped planet cannot be said to be rich in resources, but no matter how rich it is, it cannot withstand the heavy rain every day. As a result, hunting operations are restricted, and material reserves will inevitably be affected.

If reserves are insufficient in winter, prices will rise.

As the planet's management, everyone is worried at this time. Winter material reserves are closely related to the planet's economy. No one is in a hurry when winter is coming, but in rainy days, not only can't see clearly, the feet will slip, and the risk factor increases, these are enough for the hunting team to endure.

Even so, the hunting team and mercenary group still insisted on going on the mission.

It is not easy for anyone to survive.

Luo Bi couldn't stay alone and was fascinated by the pouring rain. It had been raining for almost ten days. When would it end? Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Xun Shaopo and Wen's Little Fire Ball busy in the newly opened planting fields, not knowing what they were doing.

Human beings are just busy. What do you mean a spoon and an energy fireball are busy with?

Luo Bi's mouth twitched, and she felt strange in her heart. She stood in the rest area of ​​the restaurant and watched. Luo Bi didn't care when the diagonally falling rain hit her body. After looking carefully for a while, she discovered something interesting.

Wen's little fireball didn't like the rain, so he picked up a leaf and followed the spoon.

The rain blocked his vision, and Luo Bi couldn't see clearly what was going on. He opened the small defensive cover and walked through the rain. This is a small rocky hilltop with a high location and almost no water except for potholes.

Luo Bi wore white shoes and walked around the puddles. When she arrived at the planting field opened by Xun Shao, she was stunned immediately. There are several small seedlings in the planting field. If you look carefully, you can easily tell that they are pepper seedlings. They are being dug up with a spoon.

Has Spoon activated its farming ability? ? ?

Luo Bi was in a mixed mood because of his wisdom, but it was always a good thing.

While Xun dug the seedlings with a spoon, Wen's little fireball watched from the side. He dropped down curiously and lifted up the big leaves on the rocks to take a look. Luo Bi also looked at it, and saw a palm-sized paper cup under the big leaf. She was probably worried that it would be damaged by the rain, and it was covered with a big leaf.

Obviously, this job was not done by Wen's little fireball.

Xun Shao Shao knows this?

Luo Bi's eyes flickered, a little unbelievable. She had only been enlightened for a few days, and she was already so smart.

"Xun Shaozi, what are you digging for chili seedlings?" Luo Bi couldn't figure out Shaozi's mind, she could still guess about Wu Shaozi, Zhan Shaozi and Orange Spoon, but she didn't know about those newly enlightened ones.

Xun Laoshao was confused and understood: There is too much water, so move it into the house.

The soup ladle came back with a big bamboo basket and squeezed over curiously: I want you to take care of it, go away.

Luo Bi didn't understand the meaning of Xun Shaozi, but Luo Bi understood Tang Shaozi's impatient bear, and said angrily: "I'm not talking to you, what's the matter with you, go to your lord."

Twist the soup spoon: No.

Luo Bi is so angry, is this a spoon from Tang Shao's family? Tang Shao is not like this.

After Xun Shao expressed what he meant, he continued to carefully dig out the pepper seedlings. Don't worry about the weight of the spoon. Xun Shao was careful. A shovel on the left and a shovel on the right circle around the pepper seedlings. The spoon reaches out and pulls out the pepper seedlings from the soil.

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