Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1686 Is this a spoon?

This wasn't the end yet, Xun Shao's next movements made Luo Bi dumbfounded.

I saw the spoon digging out a shovelful of soil covered by stones. It was not sticky and just loose. The spoon lifted up the big leaves and filled the shovelful of soil into the paper cup. A small hole was poked in the middle of the soil and the pepper seedlings were planted.

Ouch, my mother! Is this a spoon?

Luo Bi watched the whole thing and came to a conclusion: the spoon became a spirit.

Wen's little fireball helped pound the soil and hit it with a spoon so that it didn't touch the paper cup. Avoiding Wen's little fireball, Xun picked up the paper cup with the pepper seedlings transplanted on it with a spoon, rushed into the restaurant and placed it on the dining table.

Luo Bi followed excitedly to watch the excitement. A small pepper seedling was planted in a puree paper cup, which looked very juicy when placed on the dining table.

The Wen family's little fire ball was not shy enough to touch other people's. It had already figured out how to transplant the pepper seedlings with a spoon. Feng Feng Huo Huo held a stack of paper cups in the restaurant, grabbed a leaf and protected it tightly and rushed to his own planting field.

I threw the soup spoon into the basket and followed. I threw the basket out but was worried that someone would pick it up. I went over to pick it up again. I turned around and didn't see my master. I picked up the big bamboo basket and put it in the corner of the restaurant, and pulled out a pile of paper cups. Rush into the rain.

The spoon followed closely behind, and it only transplanted one plant. There were many more in the planting field. If they were not transplanted into the house, they would drown.

Luo Bi felt that this was not a trivial matter, so she hurried to the combat area and called people: "Hurry up and stop the fighting and come over to take a look. Something strange has happened. Lan Xun's spoon has done something big. It's amazing."

Fengling and Wen Yao worked together to throw a red chicken monster out and stopped fighting. Wen Xiao shouted back: "What are you making such a fuss about? If you're not just digging grass and digging soil every day, what else can you do with a spoon?"

Luo Bi didn't say anything, but waved her hand: "You will know when you come and take a look, I will scare you."

Seeing that Luo Bi didn't seem to be joking, Fengling said to the others: "Go over and have a look."

Okay, everyone put away their jade swords. As soon as they walked out of the plant defense cover with a curve, a heavy rain fell. You could feel the pain when the raindrops hit your face, which showed that the rain was not light.

It was raining heavily, so it was difficult to do anything.

"What's there to see?" Wen Xiao wiped the rain off his face and muttered.

In the wild, except for protective covers, other rain protection equipment is not practical, so most of the journeys that are not very far will be like this.

The few of them didn't think much, and followed to the planting field opened by Xun Shao. When they arrived at the place, they saw that the Leiyan warriors didn't care whether it was raining or not, and were surprised to see the pepper seedlings swaying in the wind and rain.

"Are the seedlings sprouting?" It took a long time for Wen Xiao to make a sound, then he asked the others blankly: "Isn't the spoon an array device? When will it be planted? Eh? This is wrong!"

The array device shouldn't be able to grow vegetables!

"Who says it's not?" Wu Shao answered, staring at the pepper seedlings with a serious expression: "How could vegetable seedlings be grown with just one array device? What link went wrong? Is the spiritual intelligence activated wrong?"

Who do you ask this?

Ask Luo Bi, Luo Bi doesn’t know either! She was still surprised, even though the orange spoon was quite weird, pretending to be a white lotus and returning the money maniac, maybe it would be reliable in fighting. Later, these spoons that opened Lingzhi were too strange. Did they find another way to farm? This is all crooked.

Fengling checked it and said: "It is indeed the freshly grown pepper seedlings."

"I... I... grew it from a spoon?" Lan Xun only came back to his senses at this time, his lips trembling and he was almost speechless with excitement.

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