Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1687 Another promising person

In the three major galaxies, only planters have the ability to collect vegetable seeds from the wild and cultivate vegetable seedlings. Ordinary people who want to plant can only buy cultivated seeds, otherwise they will not sprout.

Not a single one will come out, the kind that will piss you off.

Not to mention the planting robot. All planting processes are step-by-step, and there is no brainer. If the seeds are not good, nothing can be planted.

But who would have thought that array weapons with combat capabilities would actually be planted after a change in style? ? ?

Lan Xun is the most excited among all the people. His spoon has become successful and he can grow vegetables. It's okay if he doesn't fight. If he likes to grow vegetables, it's good. Lan Xun's loving eyes fell on Xun Laoshao. The little guy had just sent the pepper seedlings back and hurriedly ran back and lay down on the ground to continue digging seedlings.

Good guy, there was another strong wind and rain, and my clothes were blowing up when I was standing on the top of the mountain.

Everyone no longer cared, and the focus was all on the planting field and the spoon. Lan Xun said "Huh": "What is the spoon doing?"

"You'll know just by looking at it." Luo Bi didn't intend to say it out loud, so she let everyone see for themselves. Xun's spoon skills are promising. He is self-taught and knows how to transplant vegetable seedlings. He is better than her.

"Let's see, what are you doing with a shovel?" Wen Xiao squeezed to the front and muttered.

At this time, no one spoke, and no one talked to Wen Xiao, because Xun Lao Shao had already started digging seedlings. With a shovel on the left and a shovel on the right, they shoveled around several pepper seedlings that were crowded together, and stretched out their hands to pull out a pepper seedling from the soil.

The pupils of the Thunder Flame warriors shrank, and they dug a shovelful of soil from under the stone with a spoon, opened the big leaves, poured the soil into the paper cup, poked a hole in the middle, and carefully planted the pepper seedlings.

At this moment, several people finally understood what was going on. They all had shocked expressions. It was amazing enough that a spoon could plant. But there was something even more exciting. An array could actually do transplanting?

The Thunder Flame warriors were in a state of confusion in the gust of wind, feeling that this world was a bit mysterious.

The arrays made by Luo Bi became more and more magical, and they were also drunk. It didn't matter whether it rained or not. Now, several people's hearts were full of turmoil, and they didn't know what to think about the transformation of the arrays into farming.

Xun Xiao transplanted several pepper seedlings in succession. He didn't like Wen Xiao standing too close and even slapped a shovelful of them.

"Ouch..." Wen Xiao immediately came back to his senses. When he found that his feet were slapped by a spoon, his head was covered with black lines. He moved his mouth and didn't know how to spray the spoon. At this moment, his mind was confused. Very.

I thought that these newly intelligent spoons were stupid, but unexpectedly, they were able to grow vegetables.

You say this is a clever way to use a spoon! One by one, they were all stupid.

Call it stupid. They have planted it in a huge field. No one present could understand the mystery of it. It's not that they have little experience. Looking at the three major galaxies, this situation has never happened before.

Luo Bi felt that the excitement was not enough, so she excitedly called everyone to see the energy fireball planting field. The two planting fields were not far apart, and Luo Bi remembered the location.

In the middle, they passed a planting field the size of a washbasin, and Soup Ladle was also busy transplanting it. The Thunder Flame warriors suddenly felt something in their hearts, and they went over to take a look. As expected, this owner had also planted something.

Come on, Fengling and Wenyao are happy, but they are both promising.

Fengling probably had some confidence in her heart that the newly opened spoons should all have the ability to plant.

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