Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1697 Orange spoon did it

It was obvious that if the source of the mine could be discovered, they would have discovered it early on. Why wait until Lan Heng and Luo Sha arrived to worry. It's just that I'm not convinced, I'm holding my breath and trying to compete with others.

The hunting team that went on a mission was no longer noisy and lively as before. After a day of running around, they harvested very little material. Everyone sighed, sorted the few ingredients, and took a rest.

Orange Spoon, Flaming Spoon, War Spoon, and Wu Spoon each had their own harvest. One spoon dragged a basket of ingredients onto the sergeants' hover car, and went to the newly opened trading area of ​​Qing Yao Star overnight to sell things.

The Green Yao Star garrison was fighting all night on the battlefield. Each combat team occupied a position and used special abilities to attack the strange beasts in the small baskets. They killed one and dragged out another one. Lieutenant General Mi Yue followed closely and counted.

The spoons dragged the baskets off the floating car one by one. Wei Wei and Mr. Zhu soon discovered that the orange spoon had the most things, a large bamboo basket and a large back basket. The sergeant even wanted to reach out to help it.

For those who are not familiar with it, Orange Spoon is worried about others sharing its things and will not let others touch it.

The spoons learned one by one, without asking others to help.

Mr. Zhu approached Wei Wei and said, "These are all array weapons. It would be too eye-catching to sell them together. You might as well buy them up so that you don't have to worry about releasing them for trading."

Wei Yu was shocked: "But pull it down, I just want to sell a piece of grass from the ground for 5,000 interstellar coins. I don't dare to trade with these spoons. What price should I pay for these baskets? I can't afford it." "

"Only the Orange Spoon is asking for a lot of money, but other spoons are not like this." Jiang Yixin heard this and said good things to the Spoon: "Besides, the Orange Spoon didn't understand the types of transactions at the beginning and came here to buy things every day. Maybe it already knows that grass is not worth the money. Money."

Wu Xie also said: "My Wu Shaozi is a sensible person, and he never asks for prices casually."

Wei Yu shook his head repeatedly and didn't believe it at all: "Let them go to the trading market. I won't trade with them. The spoon is not easy to mess with, and the adults behind it are not easy to deal with. I am not looking for trouble."

At this time, the spoons were ready to leave, carrying a backpack and dragging a basket, Lieutenant General Mi Yue frowned.

"I'll follow you for a walk." Tang Shao followed.

Lieutenant General Mi Yue waved his hand: "Keep an eye on it, don't let the spoon suffer."

The corner of Wei Wei's mouth twitched: "Are you still worried that the spoon will suffer? What do you think, whoever suffers will not suffer from the spoon, even a grass will be sold."

Li Feng, who just came back to join the battle, was speechless: "...."

What Wei Wei said was right, it was indeed the case, everyone knew what the orange spoon did. Lan Xun was very annoyed that time, a grass was sold again and again, and the orange spoon was too narrow-minded.

This time, the spoons were very polite. After the transaction, they went shopping happily without discussing with Tang Shao, and went to the night market.

Tang Shao was taken aback, he hadn't seen this before, so he quickly followed. The spoons look fresh in everything, and they have been here several times. They don't even know that there is a night market, and there are so many gadgets.

The spoons bought whatever they saw, bought it and threw it into a small pocket, and continued to buy and buy.

Tang Shao supported his forehead, helped palm his eyes, and tried not to let the spoon spend interstellar coins indiscriminately.

The spoons ran in front, followed by Tang Shao. When he saw the various gadgets on the stall, Tang Shao thought of his own soup spoons, so he picked up exquisite ones and bought a lot of them.

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