Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1698: Like colorful things

Tang Shao bought so many gadgets and went back. Tang Shao looked left and right, and he liked everything he saw.

Tang Shao didn't notice that Tang Shao had called all the spoons out, including Yan Lao, Wu Lao, and Zhan Lao. Orange Lao didn't follow. This kid had always been alone and didn't want to team up with others.

Orange Spoon is just a sorghum with a crooked neck. He likes colorful things, and he also likes to wear a basket on his head. He is busy carrying things home when he is busy, and he makes some weird things.

What if you say follow the adults?

That's really not the case. Bishop Lin Yanchong is not that kind of person.

What to say in this situation?

When I opened my spiritual wisdom, I grew crooked, and there was no other explanation.

"The spoons have all run away. I don't know what they are doing." Tang Shao couldn't find the spoon and immediately notified the combat team. The spoons were so smart that they rarely moved together. This time, they went out together. what's the situation.

Fengling and Wen Yao stopped fighting. He Yun raised the jade sword and asked hurriedly: "This has never happened before. What's going on? Why did we run out together?"

It was already late at night, and Lan Xun panicked: "Where is my spoon? Is it gone too?"

Tang Shao pointed at the orange spoon playing with the small wooden bowl: "This is the only one left, the others have all gone."

Just at this time, Qin Yilang, Luo Jie, and Bai Yan rushed over. After hearing this, Bai Yan took a few steps and came to Tang Shao: "In which direction did they go? What were the spoons doing before? Please tell me in detail."

Tang Shao said quickly, but no one understood the reason. Fengling said: "Look around. If you can't find it, go into the mountains and forests to look for it. Notify Lieutenant General Mi and send people to Qingyao Star Night Market to look for it."

Tang Shao immediately called Lieutenant General Mi Yue, and Wu Shao got on the military hover vehicle to look for him.

Wu Cheng ran onto another hover car and muttered: "Maybe he likes those newly bought gadgets, so we made an appointment to go to the night market again."

Saying this, Wu Cheng felt uneasy in his heart. If they weren't at Qing Yaoxing Night Market, where were the spoons?

Whoever lost a spoon was worried. Hua Ran also got on the hover car and left. Zhan Di and the others who came later asked about the situation. Zhan Di hurriedly jumped on the military hover car and rushed into the heavy rain.

Naturally, the others would not just sit idly by, and they would spread out and search after a brief exchange.

"Where's my little fireball?" Wen Yao became anxious when he didn't see his own little fireball.

When everyone heard this, their hearts suddenly jumped. Needless to say, the Wen family's little fireball must have run out as well. The Wen family's little fireball likes to watch the excitement and listen to gossip. There are little fireballs wherever there are people. The little fireball has not appeared yet, and it is probably not on the small rocky mountain.

Now everyone really couldn't keep calm. They looked around and found Wen's little fireball, and then they expanded the search area.

On one side, everyone was eager to find the spoons. On the other side, the spoons and a group of little brothers had rushed into the area where the monsters were active. They climbed over one mountain and then another. A group of spoons beat up a group of monsters and beat them again. A wave of people rushed up.

When they saw the little flowers on their heads, the spoons rushed up to attack them, waving their little fists to beat them to death and drag them away, and then sent them home to their adults.

The bird of prey has already settled down. When it heard the noise, it flew out of the nest to patrol. When it found the spoons, it immediately became angry and beat them all at the door of the house. If you don't do anything, you will be a coward. How can you survive in the world of Warcraft in the future?

Two birds of prey flew down, the spoons dispersed, and the birds of prey took a mouthful of mud.

Bah, bah, bah!

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