Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1699 You are really capable

Birds of prey and beasts chirped, and the spoons saw the right moment and swarmed up from all directions, holding their heads and beating them, and throwing special equipment at the same time.

There are no new smart spoons, but there are five spoons, war spoons, and flame spoons. Fireball, Golden Ball, and Ice Blade specialize in attacking tricky spots. For example, eyes and wing tips are all things that birds and beasts of prey can’t think of, but there’s nothing a spoon can’t do.

The Wen family's little fireball is not interested in killing monsters, but it likes to join in the fun. It jumps three feet high, and the little fireball it makes circles around, cheering for the spoons.

Wen's Little Fireball: I'll beat you up.

The soup ladle thumped for a while, and pinched the tail of one of the birds of prey to pluck its feathers. The long and smooth brown feathers were not very attractive.

It doesn't know whether this bird feather is worth interstellar coins.

The little fireball of the Wen family had an idea when he saw the action of the soup ladle picking up the bird's feathers, and secretly rubbed and hit a small fireball on the head of the bird of prey.

Damn it, how much hatred is there, beating and roasting!

You didn't hold it down?

The spoons shot together, pushed the jumping birds and beasts back to the ground and beat them hard. Wen's little fireball flew up to burn the bird feathers, one small curl, two small curls, straightened a pinch, and burned A big roll.

After admiring the ironing, Wen's Little Fireball was surprised to find that it was quite good at ironing bird feathers.

The spoon was busy beating the bird, and the Wen family's little fireball was busy ironing the bird's feathers.

Xun Shaozi saw that the two birds of prey that he was holding down were almost pounding, and flew to the bird's head, curiously touched the new hairstyle of the birds of prey, very surprised, there are so many small curls, and there are big ones.

Xun Laopo praised Wen's little fireball: You are really capable!

This compliment doesn't matter, the Wen family's little fireball is so beautiful that it flies out to catch birds and beasts with wings and perms them.

It killed the bird, and the birds and beasts in the sky were frightened and flew back to their nests with chirps. It's simply too scary. The tribe that has dominated the Green Bamboo Planet for thousands of years has no face at all and is chirping and moving overnight. It's really scary.

After the spoons killed the two birds of prey, the bad-tempered red chicken monsters rushed out in the rain to find a sense of existence. The birds of prey are cowardly birds, and their red chicken monsters are not cowardly. The fireball will fight first.

The fireball flew over and the spoons scattered again.

Then he turned back, surrounded the two red chicken monsters, pounced on them and beat them all together.

Press the head, pluck out the bird's feathers, give it a small roll, and then give it a large one after the small roll.

The spoons were full of energy, high in fighting spirit, and used all kinds of ingenious moves on these two red chicken monsters.

Actual combat is experience. When two parties fight, the spoons have figured out many ways to fight.

Wu Laoshao beat the red chicken monster on the head while throwing dirt into the monster's eyes. He grabbed the dirt one by one and threw it over. The red chicken monster couldn't open its eyes. It is said that there is no dust in one's eyes. This is the same for Warcraft.

The red chicken monster fluttered its wings and struggled.

Bang Bang Bang······

The spoons headed by Zhan Spoon and Flame Spoon raised their fists, and then came a group of beatings, beating the red chicken monster to the ground in one go.

First his belly hit the ground, then his wings, and then his legs gave way, and the red chicken monster fell down.

The red chicken monster lay in the muddy water and beat the ground with its wings. It's a bird. It's a miscalculation. This time it encountered a bad embryo. It didn't play cards according to common sense. Is there such a bad move in a fight? ? ? ? ?

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