Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1706 The Red Emerald Stone Containing a Lot of Energy

Luo Bi's eyes paused. Is this a red jade stone? !

Her eyesight is very good, just this dazzling red, Luo Bi can tell that it is red emerald stone.

But this is not the case!

Jade jadeite and jadeite are both mined from ores, generally formed in hard stone layers, and integrated with rocks. As far as Robbie knows, there is absolutely no ore on the shallow surface of the stone layer, and even if there is, it cannot be solved with a shovel.

Isn't this a joke?

Besides, she knocked on the rocky cliff with the shovel, it was purely for lack of hand, knocking for fun, and she used innate ability detection or instrument detection to find the ore source, who knew that serious operation would not come in handy.

As a result, the red emerald was knocked out with a shovel?

She also shot trees and grass, but she didn't see a single Sanzhi or a single ginseng.

Just hit it with a shovel and something strange happened.

Forget it, Luo Bi didn't think about it, she always acted cautiously, put the shovel in her left hand, touched the red emerald stone with her right finger, the energy was amazing, the red emerald stone was all right.

A red jade stone that contains a lot of energy?

Luo Bi was pleasantly surprised, she didn't have a lot of knowledge in this area, she skipped class every day, and it was normal that she didn't know much, but based on her senses and eyesight, Luo Bi dared to conclude that this piece of red emerald must be rarer than the ones on the market.

I just don’t know how big this piece is?

Is it just this one, or are there others around here?

Luo Bi's thoughts turned quickly, and in less than half a minute, she sorted out all kinds of questions. While thinking about it, Luo Bi used a shovel to clean the ore vigorously to see if he could dig out the red emerald stone as soon as possible.

Luo Bi was eager to know how big the red jade stone was.

Also, is there any Jadeite around here? Luo Bi really wants to know. She wanted to hold back, but she couldn't help but take a shovel to verify it. She knocked along the rocky cliff, and then she poked out two pieces Jadeite.

A red emerald stone and a purple emerald stone are both aggressive and have amazing energy.

What does this mean?

There is a high possibility of jadeite, and there should be more than these three.

By this time, Luo Bi was no longer surprised, but ecstatic. It's good, she is worried about the small quantity. The more good things, the better. If there are more, she won't mind the participation of the combat team.

Luo Bi was thinking too much, and didn't intend to tell Qin Cui and He Xiang for the time being, so she quickly ran back to dig the first piece of red emerald stone.

This was enough, she couldn't wait to pry the red jade stone off.

Looking at the red jade stone that was as big as a fist, Luo Bi couldn't help but laugh, and poked the communicator to dial Fengling's communication.

On the small rocky mountain, Fengling was fighting. He heard the sound of the communicator, glanced at it, and saw Luo Bi's communication, and immediately connected it.

Before Feng Ling could speak, Luo Bi said with a smile: "Feng Ling, I found the Jade Jade Stone, there are only three pieces, two pieces of Red Jadeite, and one piece of Purple Jadeite, the kind with amazing energy."

Fengling didn't know why: "What do you mean?"

It doesn’t make sense to know the properties of jadeite before it is mined. It doesn’t matter whether the jadeite has amazing energy or not.

"The energy contained in the three emerald stones is astonishing." Luo Bi adjusted the communication video and let Feng Ling watch it by herself: "Look, Feng Ling, this red emerald stone was not formed below the stone layer. Even if I don’t have enough strength to dig out the surface, I can’t even dig it out.”

When his eyes fell on the dazzling red jade stone, Feng Ling's pupils shrank and he was surprised.

Did Luo Bi really find out?

Or is it so easy, you don’t have to dig out the stone, just dig out the jadeite? !

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