Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1707 Natural Advanced Red Emerald Stone

Fengling had always been calm when dealing with things, but now she felt unbelievable.

For nearly ten thousand years, the ore has been buried deep under the hard stone layer, and the source of the ore can rarely be detected on the surface.

How rare is it?

One or two percent is considered too much. It can be said that the possibility is extremely slim, otherwise it would not be possible to wait until Luo Bi knocks it out with a shovel. It's funny isn't it? But Robbie solved it with a shovel.

Open pit ore?

Fengling was surprised and delighted. He had poisonous eyes and could tell almost at a glance that this was a natural high-grade red jade stone. Its rare value was completely higher than that of high-grade jadeite.

Needless to say, the benefits of this natural high-grade jadeite are that it can be used directly as an energy stone without extraction. The natural high-grade red jadeite in front of you can provide energy to a large spacecraft for five years without any problem.

"Natural high-grade red jadeite?" Wen Xiao, who was fighting with Fengling, was attracted by the dazzling red jadeite. His eyes almost popped out of his eyes in surprise. He was stunned for a moment and became extremely excited: "I said Luo Bi wouldn't do it for no reason. Ask people to take a walk together, and there are really good things.”

When the others heard this, they looked around and were all surprised: "Ore in the open air?"

Damn it, everyone was surprised and happy. The open-air mine is much easier to dig than the mine that is dug with great effort.

Everyone was so excited that one of them didn’t pay attention and made another move.

But this time I was wrong. I obviously caught a imperial concubine pig, but I picked up two imperial concubine pigs along the way. The wind energy was more destructive, so the two red chicken monsters had their wings ripped off and were thrown to Qingyao Star together. .

Thunder Flame Warriors: "...??!"

There are surprises everywhere in life. You may not be able to catch the imperial concubine pig if you intend to, but you will get unexpected rewards every time you do it unintentionally.

Thinking about it this way, it seems not surprising that Luo Bi discovered an open-pit mine source.

How can it be?

Among the eight people, more than half had never seen an open-pit mine, which shows how rare it is.

Fengling pressed down her excitement and asked for directions. Considering that he and Wen Xiao had wind powers that made it difficult for them to leave, they had no choice but to send Wen Yao there. A combat team of eight people is indispensable. Fengling sent a message to call Tang Shao and Wei Yu over from Qingyao Star.

Wei Yu fought against Wen Yao, and Wen Yao, Tang Shao, and Luo Jie went to find Luo Bi.

The open-pit ore is no better than other mineral sources. It is useless if people carry more people. The jade stone will be exposed as soon as it is dug. It may be damaged if you are not careful. Fengling and Qin Yilang are not brave enough to send a team of people there.

Luo Bi hung up the call and rummaged through the storage bracelet for tools. The shovel didn't work well, and it took her a long time to dig out a layer of stone fragments. At this strenuous speed, she wouldn't be able to dig out even one piece even after dark.

Luo Bi was still thinking about digging the other two pieces. She was impatient and couldn't wait for a moment.

Changing tools is a must.

Wen Yao, Tang Shao, and Luo Jie arrived very quickly and arrived at the bamboo forest in half an hour.

Qin Cui and the others were a little puzzled when they saw Wen Yao and the others. They couldn't figure out why the Leiyan warrior suddenly came to the bamboo forest? After thinking about it, I couldn't find a reason for the Thunder Flame Warrior to come.

You won't open up another battlefield, will you? !

Not likely.

Wen Yao jumped up and stepped on the stones towards the other side of the stream. Tang Shao and Luo Jie followed closely behind. Because of their excitement, the three of them moved faster.

Luo Bi was knocking stones with a small pickaxe in front of a rocky cliff. When Wen Yao, Tang Shao, and Luo Jie saw the dazzling red jade stone, they couldn't help but froze and were slightly stunned.

Is it really an open-pit ore?

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