Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1708 Who would be so idle?

You don't have to dig out the stone, you can use it as soon as you dig it out. It is still a natural high-grade jade stone.

And it's not one piece, it's three pieces, or even more than these, maybe there are more...

I can't think about it anymore. The more I think about it, the more unreal it becomes, like a dream.

Compared with the two buried deep underground, the open-air ore is like picking up for nothing. When digging a piece is a piece, the more Roger thinks about it, the more his blood boils, and the gurgling is about to smoke.

"Why did it come so slowly?" Luo Bi didn't give them a chance to be fascinated. He poked at the rock twice and said loudly: "There is a red emerald and a purple emerald over there. Find tools to dig it yourself. Whose does it belong to?"

It's this tune again, and someone can dig it out at every turn.

However, no one objected at the moment.

Wen Yao, Tang Shao, and Luo Jie quickly stepped forward to look at the red jade stone, extremely excited. More than half of the fist-sized red emerald stone is exposed from the rock. If you are a skilled person, it will take more than half an hour to dig it out.

"Get out of the way, I'll do it." Roger turned out his little head for mining ore, eager to try: "You are too weak, go play aside! By the way, look for jadeite nearby."

Luo Bi hadn't dug enough yet, so she occupied her position and refused to let him go: "I'll dig it myself, and you can dig the other two pieces."

Roger "tsk" and looked for him along the rocky cliff: "Okay, I won't argue with you."

Tang Shao didn't want to waste time, so he searched for the small head for digging ore, and then looked for it. At that time, Luo Bi knocked a shovel on two pieces of jadeite. A dazzling red and a noble purple could be found by anyone with eyes.

Not far away, Roger and Tang Shao found it. Their eyes flickered with excitement for a moment, then they waved their little heads and began to dig carefully.

"I'll dig it for you." Wen Yao didn't leave, there were three jadeites in total, and he focused on the one that Luo Bi dug. Luo Bi saw that it wasn't the material for work, so he might as well go up: "It's still yours if you dig it out. I don't want the red jade stone."

Luo Bi, who doesn't want her, is not willing to let her go, but she can't let Wen Yao idle. After thinking for a while, Luo Bi said: "You dig for me for a while, and then I will look for it. I found it and you dig it yourself."

Wen Yao didn't want it, so he immediately took over after Luo Bi walked away.

Yan Shaozi flew over, took out his little head and started to do it, Wen Yao hurriedly stopped him, Luo Bi was worried, let alone Yan Shaozi: "Yan Shaozi is obedient, go and catch your fish, you haven't been enlightened for long, you need practice Ability."

Yan Lao refused to move and squeezed its head down. Wen Yao couldn't stop it, so he had to show it how to dig.

In terms of analysis and searching ability, Luo Bi belongs to the kind of wild way. She picked up a handful of small heads, knocked here and there, and sure enough she found it again.

A red emerald stone, its size is unknown, we will have to dig it out to find out.

Calling Wen Yao over, Luo Bi went to the other side of the stream to find Qin Cui and He Xiang. Before leaving, Luo Bi pointed to her red emerald stone and said to Wen Yao, who was nearest, "Don't touch me!" .”

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on you." Wen Yao didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Luo Bi was worried. She was worried that Roger would dig it out, even if she didn't want her red emerald stone. She would dig her own stuff by herself.

His temper is so evil!

Wen Yao didn't understand it very well, but he promised to do what he promised. If everyone digs in one place, who would snatch Luo Bi's? Are they making themselves uncomfortable? It would do no good to make Robbie anxious.

Who would be so free?

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