Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1712 She won’t go

Roger did not continue the topic. He was optimistic about the structure of the rock layer and controlled the intensity of digging into the surrounding rocks.

Luo Bi did not listen to Roger's instructions to find the jade stone, but stood aside and watched Roger dig. At the same time, she asked about her worries that she had been struggling with: "Colonel Luo, you said that the explosion I just made will be heard by others." Are you here?"

"What do you mean?" Roger didn't even raise his head, focusing on cleaning up the gravel.

"We are not digging for jade. I am worried that someone will hear me and come here." Luo Bi was worried. She was not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. She knew from the bottom of her heart that no one would show up in this bamboo forest in this kind of weather. , but she was just worried.

Roger paused for a moment: "It's okay, don't worry about whether these are available or not, just go find the jadeite!"

If Luo Bi didn't move, she wouldn't go. Roger mentioned it a few more times. Seeing that Luo Bi was unmoved, he laughed angrily. Come on, talking for a long time is in vain, so I won’t say it anymore, and let those who are looking for jade stones go ahead.

Wen Yao was skilled in his work. He cleaned the area around the fist-sized red jade stone and broke it off with his hands.

The red emerald was so dazzling that Wen Yao found it rare. He held it in his hand and looked at it for a while before looking for Roger and Luo Bi. He looked over and asked, "How's it going? You haven't dug it out yet?"

"Not even close." Roger answered.

Luo Bi was surprised when she saw the red jade stone in Wen Yao's hand: "Did you dig out that piece first?"

Wen Yao said "hmm" and stepped forward to take the hand. He controlled the red jade stone with one hand and tried to shake it off.

Luo Bi picked up the small shovel on the ground and shook it: "I can't use my hands hard enough. You get out of the way and I'll use the shovel to hold it down."

Use a shovel? Roger was startled, and Wen Yao hurriedly pushed him away: "Roger and I are here. You can look around to see if there are any jade stones. If not, you can go to Tang Shao."

Luo Bi knew that she was afraid that she would damage the red jade stone, so she put away the shovel and said, "I won't go."

Tang Shao didn't need her help at all, and it would be a waste of time if he went there. Luo Bi didn't want to go. Besides, this position belongs to her. What if Roger doesn't give it to her after a walk?

Wen Yao and Roger stopped talking. Roger used a hoe to pry, and Wen Yao used his hands to break off the red jade stone from the rocky cliff. Luo Bi breathed a sigh of relief and finally came down.

Wen Yao took a look, handed it to Luo Bi, and asked, "What should we do next? Shall we spread out and look for the jadeite?"

Luo Bi looked away from the red emerald stone, pointed with a small shovel to the place where the emerald stone was dug, and said to Roger: "There is no need to look elsewhere, continue digging from this position and see if there is any more."

Roger laughed, and without saying a word, the small pit where the red jade stone was dug expanded to all directions. Wen Yao pondered for a moment and helped from the side.

Luo Bi stood behind the two of them and reminded: "Be careful, don't use too much force, there may be jade stones."

Roger and Wen Yao paid more attention after hearing this. Although they didn't think they could dig jadeite in the same place, Luo Bi said so, and they were not the kind of people who didn't know the importance.

It never hurts to be careful.

Tang Shao came over with the excavated purple jade stone in a happy mood. Seeing the two people's actions, he asked, "What is this for?"

Luo Bi pointed with the shovel: "I think there is a jadeite at this location. Let's dig it out and take a look."

Ten minutes later, Wen Yao and Luo Jie dug up a piece of jadeite. Wenyao dug up a red jadeite. His attributes were determined by the dazzling red color. The exact size was not clear.

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