Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1713 Don’t stay here

What Roger found was a piece of purple emerald, with a touch of purple nobility, just looking at it makes people's heart beat faster, and they are so excited.

The excitement is not yours. Luo Bi is not used to crowding with others, but she still stepped forward and couldn't help but speak: "This is mine. Get out of the way. I didn't find a place for you. Come to your own place." Dig away from your territory and don’t stay here.”

Roger subconsciously moved out of the way, and suddenly realized something was wrong, and asked in surprise: "What do you mean?? Please explain it more clearly. Are you saying that there is still jadeite in the place where we dug it?!"

Luo Bi said "Ah" and nodded: "I didn't know before, but after you and Wen Yao dug out another jadeite, I can conclude that this is a mine source. What is a mine source? Naturally, there are more than a few pieces of jadeite." Meaning of stone.”

"How many pieces have we dug up? If Jadeite doesn't run away with long legs, there must be more."

After hearing these words, how could the few people hold their breath, Wen Yao took a small hoe and returned to his small site, eager to verify the result. Luo Jie and Tang Shao had the same thought as Wen Yao, strode away, and walked back to their small place along the rocky cliff.

The rocky cliff here is steep and vertical, and the surrounding area is similar to a small hillside. The terrain is neither high nor low, and a little water is accumulated in the stone potholes.

The stones under his feet were irregular and uncomfortable to stand on. Wen Yao turned back and moved a flat stone and placed it at Luo Bi's feet: "Step on it, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to stand for a long time."

Luo Bi wanted to say thank you, she opened her mouth and choked back, thank you is worthless, she doesn't like to talk about it. If it is someone she does not know, she will say thank you, and she will thank you every time you have a good relationship, which shows that the relationship is alienated.

Wen Yao has been dealing with jadeite and jade all year round, and he carries all kinds of tools with him. He gave Luo Bi a handy little hoe: "Try using this, it will work better than the one you bought yourself."

Luo Bi took it in her hand. The small hoe was made very delicately. Once she dug the hoe, she felt that it was easier to use: "It's really easy to use. At least it doesn't strain your hands. The small hoe I bought is too heavy."

Wen Yao went back and expanded the excavation area.

Because it was raining heavily, he had to see his feet clearly when walking. When Roger saw Qin Cui and Wei Zi, he called them over and said hello, telling them that this was a mine.

"If you find a jade stone, dig it out and look around carefully. There may be jade stones." Roger glanced at Huang Xinling. The little girl was digging something on the rocky ground with a small hoe. When I saw it, it was a yellow jadeite, and I warned: "Dig it out and don't forget to dig it around again."

Huang Xinling was very happy, and nodded vigorously when she heard the words: "Yeah, I know."

Huang Xinling was lucky. After He Xiang, she was the only one to find the jadeite. This is a yellow jadeite. From its pure color, you can tell that it is a natural high-grade yellow jadeite, which is no worse than others.

It's just that this yellow jadeite is smaller, as big as a green jujube, so Huang Xinling is also happily spinning around.

Roger gave some pointers, and then Qin Cui, Wei Zi, and Bai Ruilu found jadeite stones one after another. The properties were different, with red jadeite being the majority. The most important thing was natural high-grade jadeite stone, which was too rare. , several people were happy and then waved their little heads and started digging.

Roger returned to his small site, and within a few minutes he dug up a piece of red emerald. Surprisingly, it was still a natural high-grade red emerald.

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