Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1721 Don't be stingy with a cook

At this time, Luo Bi hadn't gotten up yet. Mrs. Zhu and Mrs. Huang originally wanted to wait for her, but Feng Ling said, "Abi is angry about getting up. She doesn't know when she will wake up, so you should go first."

"Tang Shao, send Mrs. Zhu and the others there."

Tang Shao returned to Zhihuang Planet last night and reported the situation here to Admiral Qi Lan. He brought back a brand new military small luxury transport spaceship, which he had just disembarked from.

"Okay." Tang Shao asked him to send them off. Considering that Luo Bi hadn't woken up yet, he said to Fengling: "This small military spacecraft was transferred to Luo Bi by General Qi Lan. Let's release it to the small rock mountain first. You and Robbie will talk later."

Fengling accepted it happily: "Okay, I'll talk to her later."

Tang Shao got on the hovercar and took a group of women away. They first went around in a circle and then went to the bamboo forest.

It rained heavily again. Fengling boarded the small spaceship to check the performance and defense capabilities of the spacecraft. Wen Xiao, Wu Shao, Hua Ran, Lan Xun, and Xue Yue followed and took a general look at the internal facilities, all showing unabashed envy.

Wei Yu was temporarily assigned to the team digging for jade stones. His replacement, Wu Yao, had not arrived from Qingyao Star yet, so the battle was suspended. The Thunder Flame warriors could take advantage of this opportunity to replenish their physical strength and rest.

After Feng Ling finished the inspection, he disembarked the spaceship satisfied.

When Wu Shao arrived in a military hover vehicle, eight people gathered together and immediately formed a team to fight.

Li Feng accepted the task sent by Lieutenant General Mi Yue and rushed over from Qingyao Star to cook. In the past, cooking was a favor, but this time it was a task. Li Feng brought the ingredients, a royal pig and a box of fresh vegetables.

Lieutenant General Mi Yue's semen was dripping all over his body. Naturally, he would not be stingy with a chef after receiving such great benefits. With a wave of his hand, he sent Li Feng to be the full-time chef on Xiaoshishan Mountain.

The vegetables are all fresh purchased from Qingyao Star. They are all nutritious ingredients and have complete ingredients.

Whoever has the ability will be well fed and paid well. In the eyes of Lieutenant General Mi Yue, Luo Bi may be patient. Every stone kicked out is likely to be a jadeite. Don't believe it, anyone who doesn't believe it is a fool, and there will be no benefits.

Li Feng took on a new task and started working on his old job happily.

The imperial concubine pig he brought over was a small suckling pig. After cleaning it, it was ready to be eaten at any time, such as piglet steaks and the like. In addition, we braised a red claw crab, a plate of spicy fried river clams, and grilled a handful of vegetable skewers.

There are both meat and vegetables available. You can eat whatever you want. They are all nutritious ingredients.

Today's rain tends to be moderate to heavy, with gusts of wind and a moist smell in the air.

In the tent, when Luo Bi woke up, Fengling had already prepared clean military uniforms for her.

Military uniforms are most suitable for field operations. Luo Bi took them and put them on, put on her military boots, washed herself and left the tent. Just as Li Feng had already made breakfast, Fengling made a gesture to the combat team to eat and rest.

Everyone saw that they were all delicious and nutritious ingredients. They talked and laughed and put the two dining tables together to form one table for eating.

"Admiral Qi Lan gave you a small luxury military transport spaceship." Fengling knew that Luo Bi likes new things, so she added: "The spaceship is brand new, and it was sent to you as soon as I applied for it. "

Luo Bi didn't know why and said with a smile: "Why give me a small spaceship? I don't have a large amount of things to transport, and the mines on the rocky cliffs don't need a transportation spacecraft!"

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