Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1722 You can just plow the land without flying the spaceship

Fengling didn't care about this: "You can leave it alone if you don't need it. When you get bored, learn how to fly a spaceship."

"Shall I drive a spaceship?" Luo Bi felt that it was quite awkward. She liked to drive small cars and could drive any sports car. It was impossible for the car to run away, but the spaceship was different. Luo Bi never thought about driving a spaceship: "I just learned to drive a hover car and I don't dare to drive a spaceship."

Feng Ling smiled lightly: "I'll teach you when I'm free."

"As long as you don't fly a spaceship to plow the land." Wen Xiao heard this and added.

Wu Shao, Hua Ran and others: "...."

Robbie: "...."

She looked at Wen Xiao with an unkind look. This man couldn't speak, and he would mention whatever he didn't want to mention. This time she remembered it. The next time Wen Xiao made a joke, she would keep a small notebook and run against Wen Xiao every day.

Fengling coughed lightly: "...Eat, we have to fight later."

Wen Xiao knew he had made a mistake and didn't take it seriously: "I kindly reminded you, I didn't mean anything else."

Luo Bi ignored him and ran to see the small military luxury transport spacecraft after dinner. It had a living room, kitchen, bedroom, and conference area, all equipped with everything you need. If half of the space was not a material warehouse, who could believe this? Is it a transport spacecraft?

Anyway, Luo Bi didn't believe it.

Wu Cheng came to find Luo Bi and took a walk on the spaceship. He was envious: "I also want a small spaceship like this. It doesn't need to have a transportation function. I don't have much to transport, but this equipment is really high-end." , is indeed a deluxe version."

"What brings you here?" Luo Bi didn't think the Thunder Flame Warrior had time.

"Isn't my mother not on Feizhu Planet? I told my mother last night and asked her to come from Emperor Star to collect supplies." Wu Cheng looked at Luo Bi: "My mother will be there in a few minutes, you will let my mother Do you want to participate? Even the one who digs red jadeite, my family wants it too."

Isn't this nonsense? Luo Bi glanced at him sideways: "You go and call Xue Zhijiao, Bai Juan, and Pei Yang. When your mother comes, we will all go. It's not that the fighting class has few resources. We can do it ourselves. Why do you think I called Huang Xinling and Bai Ju?" "

Because it is fighting class, so pull a hand.

"Luo Bi, you are so interesting." Wu Chengle jumped up and called the others happily: "Xue Zhijiao and the others are still fighting. I'll go tell Captain Qin and take them to Xiaoyan Mountain immediately."

Qin Yilang couldn't say anything, so he let the young boys go.

Xue Zhijiao, Bai Juan and Pei Yang heard that they were going to dig jade stones. They wanted to ask but were afraid that others would hear. Everyone's face turned red. It was an open-pit mine and they were dug piece by piece. Who wouldn't be overjoyed to participate?

When Wu Cheng took the people back to Xiaoyan Mountain, Mrs. Wu happened to get off the spaceship, and everyone gathered together, and the group got on the spaceship and set off.

Xun Shaozi looks at other spoons: I will go too!

Yan Shao asked Wen's Little Fireball: "Little Fireball, are you going?"

Wen's Little Fireball: Go.

After the Wen family's little fire ball communicated with the spoons, they went to the bamboo forest deep in the dense forest. The Wen family's little fire ball wandered around the Bamboo Star every day. Nothing could be hidden from it, so it took a few spoons to find it all the way.

By the time Luo Bi and Wu Shao arrived at the ore source on the rocky cliff, everyone had spontaneously divided the chassis. The rocky cliff was where the Zhihuang Star was stationed, and everyone could dig anywhere else, and whoever dug it wanted it.

It's not that Luo Jie, Wen Yao, and Tang Shao are domineering. The needs of an army for natural high-grade emerald stones are completely different from those of a family.

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