Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1743 She keeps her word

When Zhu Xingzhi heard this, he felt a little uneasy: "Let's go together later!"

"I'll just walk around and not go far." Zhu Xingzhi was worried about Luo Bi, and Luo Bi was worried about the child alone, and told him: "You just pick mushrooms here honestly, don't run around, lest I I can’t find you when I come back.”

Zhu Xingzhi was very obedient: "Don't worry, I won't run around."

The two made an agreement, Zhu Xingzhi continued to pick mushrooms, Luo Bi wiped the rainwater off his face, and observed the bamboo clusters. She kept her word, and she would definitely not go far .

Centering on the cluster of bamboo where Zhu Xingzhi was, Luo Bi looked around. She felt uneasy when she couldn't see Zhu Xingzhi.

The bamboo grove is full of weeds and dead leaves, and the clusters of bamboo are even covered under a layer. When Luo Bi sees the withered yellow bamboo leaves on the ground, she pokes them with a twig. Freshly grown mushrooms.

Great, Luo Bi was excited, and went back to tell Zhu Xingzhi: "Have you finished picking here? I found another place where mushrooms grow. After picking, let's change places quickly."

Zhu Xingzhi's eyes lit up, he carried the bamboo basket in one hand, and Luo Bi's small wicker basket in the other, and hurriedly stood up: "Did you find the fungus again? In which direction? Are there many of them?"

A series of questions showed the child's joy at the moment.

"Ah, I found it again." Luo Bi felt that she was amazing, and pointed happily: "It's over there. I was in a hurry to come back and tell you. I didn't see the number of mushrooms. I don't know how many."

"Let's go, let's go and take a look." Zhu Xingzhi followed Luo Bi.

Walking away, Luo Bi discussed with Zhu Xingzhi: "At first, I wanted to gather some random ingredients and go back to cook. If you look around, I will find another nest of mushrooms. Let's hurry up and go back to cook."

"Farewell, Luo Bi, you're not in a hurry to eat." Zhu Xingzhi had no idea when he came out, but now it's different. He doesn't want to go back so soon: "Let's search more, maybe we can pick more."

Luo Bi's feet stopped and she quickly glanced at Zhu Xingzhi beside her: "Okay, you're not in a hurry and I'm not in a hurry either."

In fact, this future interstellar era is very strange. People usually interact with each other very coldly and indifferently, especially between couples. Divorces are common. If you think it is strange, you are the one who is inexplicable.

Under this trend, it may be that women are at a disadvantage due to their short life span, and their children are very protective of their mothers, especially boys, who know how to consider their mothers during the reserve season as soon as they become sensible.

Insufficient nutrition means short life. In order not to change mothers, all children are surprisingly sensible during the storage season. Even a two-year-old child knows how to move things home again and again, just to let his mother spend the long winter. better.

Zhu Xingzhi was thinking about his mother, what could Luo Bi do? Sighing, naturally together.

When he arrived at the place, Zhu Xingzhi put down the bamboo basket and the small wicker basket, and quickly opened the bamboo leaves to check the number of mushrooms. There are several nests under the clusters of bamboos, which are supposed to be quite numerous, but before they grow up, the nests are crowded together, making them appear to be few.

"It would be nice if they grew up a little bit. It would be a pity to pick them at such a young age." Zhu Xingzhi muttered, but his hands moved quickly. He gently opened the bamboo leaves, shook off the water on his hands, and picked them carefully: "These are not grown. The big ones are really tender.”

Robbie: "...."

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