Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1744 Just looking forward to a surprise

Zhu Xingzhi also said that ungrown mushrooms are naturally tender.

Luo Bi nodded, looked at the mushrooms, and then pushed aside the bamboo leaves to pluck the whole bunch of large mushrooms without any damage to the edges. Luo Bi was good at this kind of meticulous work.

That's right, she is willing to do things, but if she is not willing to do anything, it will be in vain.

Zhu Xingzhi took a look: "..."

Zhu Xingzhi tried his best, but ended up destroying several of the good mushrooms. The child was so distressed that he never tried new methods again and kept picking them according to the old method.

Luo Bi, however, was still multitasking. She was picking mushrooms, picking up twigs and pulling them into a cluster of bamboo next to her several times.

Zhu Xingzhi didn't ask her what she was doing after seeing it. He knew that she was looking for pheasants like this. The child was speechless and hunted wherever he went. Wherever Luo Bi went, geese were plucking their feathers.

No wonder people can't find it. Luo Bi finds something good every time. She can poke holes in trees.

While looking for mushrooms, Luo Bi asked Zhu Xingzhi to move. She also took the time to pick up small branches, cut grass and pull leaves. Her posture of digging three feet into the ground was quite good, and she was surprised to find several nests that had just sprouted. bamboo fungus.

This is too small. Luo Bi hesitated: "Zhu Xingzhi, do you think we should pick such small bamboo fungus?"

Zhu Xingzhi looked around and didn't know what to say anymore. He nodded and said: "We don't know when we will finish the mission and go back. If you don't pick it, you will be old the next day. Just pick it. You may not know when others see it." Picked away."

Luo Bi thought the same thing and asked Zhu Xingzhi to dig bamboo fungus together: "It's getting late. Let's leave after digging these bamboo fungus. I'm worried that Fengling won't find me when she comes back."

Zhu Xingzhi nodded while he was busy.

Luo Bi was not in a hurry and dug up the bamboo fungus that had not grown. She glanced around, picked up a small branch and hit the nearby weeds. Suddenly she heard a familiar voice. She was stunned and signaled to Zhu Xingzhi. Be quiet.

"What's wrong, Luo Bi, what did you find?" Zhu Xingzhi asked holding his breath.

Luo Bi hesitated: "I don't know, it looks like a pheasant. When I beat it just now, it sounds like a pheasant."

Zhu Xingzhi frowned and glanced around. He neither saw nor heard the pheasant. However, the child's eyes were still bright. He was addicted to following Luo Bi's search for good things, and he was looking forward to surprises.

In fact, it is very simple to know if there are pheasants. Luo Bi has many tricks. She took a small branch and hit the weeds vigorously. Luo Bi saw feathers similar to those of a pheasant. They were very gorgeous, but unfortunately they were already wet.

Because of the angle, Zhu Xingzhi didn't see anything, so he turned around and continued digging bamboo fungus.

Zhu Xingzhi thought that it was unlikely that it was a pheasant. Being able to find mushrooms and bamboo fungus in the bamboo forest was due to Luo Bi's strong observation ability and good eyesight. Catching a pheasant requires luck.

There are pheasants on the edge of the planet of Cuizhuxing, but they can't be caught everywhere. Children are very realistic.

Luo Bi thought for a while and walked over, tentatively picking away the weeds.

Damn, it really is a pheasant.

Luo Bi was overjoyed, put the small branch in her left hand, pushed away the crowded bamboos, reached out and grabbed the pheasant wings from the middle of the bamboos and lifted it up: "Zhu Xingzhi, look quickly, I said it's a pheasant, you Watch me catch a pheasant with wet wings."

Zhu Xingzhi: "······?!"

So cool!

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