Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1745 Zhu Xingzhi

Zhu Xingzhi was very happy, and Luo Bi was also happy. He threw the pheasant to Zhu Xingzhi and said, "We can improve the food in the evening. Let Li Feng take charge of it. The pheasant will be stewed with mushrooms. The wood stew is delicious."

Luo Bi said that if you really let her eat wood-fired chicken, she might not like it.

Zhu Xingzhi happily grabbed a handful of long grass, twisted it into a piece, and planned to use it to tie the pheasants.

Luo Bi kicked the clusters of bamboo a few times and pulled them apart to observe. Zhu Xingzhi tied up the pheasant and threw it into the basket. He leaned over and said, "Luo Bi, what are you looking for? Did you find the pheasant again?"

"Let me see if there are any pheasants. If you catch pheasants here, there should be eggs." Seeing that there were no eggs in this cluster of bamboo, Luo Bi went to kick another cluster of bamboo and opened it to look for it: "If you find the chicken nest, you will find the eggs. .”

Zhu Xingzhi was stunned for a while without moving. He remembered that what he had just caught was a rooster. How could there be wild eggs? The child wiped the rain off his face, took off his backpack, and took out the pheasant. It was indeed a rooster.

Zhu Xingzhi hurriedly picked up the pheasant: "Luo Bi, this is a rooster. You can't find pheasant eggs."

"What's wrong with my search? Maybe I can find wild eggs." Luo Bi probably knew that she had caught a rooster. Good-looking ones are usually roosters, but she was not sure about the specific ones. If she was not sure, she wanted to try it. luck.

Zhu Xingzhi was anxious, why were he still looking for wild eggs? The child anxiously carried the pheasant high: "How can you find pheasant eggs? Look, Luo Bi, this is a rooster. It looks good. All roosters have bright feathers. The hair on the tail is also long. The hen The tail is short and unsightly.”

Luo Bi turned a deaf ear and continued to look for wild eggs. Zhu Xingzhi chased after him with the pheasant: "You can't find it."

At this time, Luo Bi pulled away another cluster of bamboo, looked at it for a moment, picked up a wild egg and showed it to Zhu Xingzhi: "Who said I couldn't find it? Look, I have found a wild egg."

Zhu Xingzhi was stunned while holding the pheasant: "...??!" He just said he couldn't find it.

Luo Bi ignored him, kicked the bamboo, and tried to separate the bamboos: "The space in the bamboo bush is too small. You are small, so you come to pick up wild eggs."

Zhu Xingzhi immediately came to his senses, threw the pheasant into the basket, went into the bamboo bush and picked out the round pheasant eggs. The child was stimulated by Luo Bi, and picked up a small branch and beat it hard twice in the bamboo bush. Down.

Luo Bi: "..." What kind of wind is this?

"Zhu Xingzhi, what are you doing?" Luo Bi had a big idea and was suddenly worried that the child was possessed by evil spirits.

"I want to see if there are any pheasants or anything." Zhu Xingzhi threw the twig and turned sideways out of the bamboo bush. Luo Bi immediately let go, and the bamboo bounced back. Zhu Xingzhi said: "There is nothing."

Luo Bi looked at the sky, and she and Zhu Xingzhi packed up their things and prepared to go back.

Although Zhu Xingzhi was young, he was very strong. He carried a basket on his back, picked up the bamboo basket and carried it on his shoulders, and even had to carry the wicker basket with his free hand.

Luo Bi had the nerve to let Zhu Xingzhi hold them all, and hurriedly rushed to carry the wicker basket: "You have already carried a lot of things. The wicker basket is not heavy, so I will carry it."

"Can you do it?" the child questioned, reaching for the wicker basket: "I'm strong, so I'd better hold it!"

"I am an adult, and I let you hold everything. I feel uncomfortable." Luo Bi told the truth.

When Zhu Xingzhi heard this, he stopped insisting: "Okay! If you can't lift it anymore, give it to me."

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