Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1746 Station

Back at the station, Luo Bi and Zhu Xingzhi went straight to the small military luxury spacecraft given by General Qi Lan. When passing by the restaurant area, they saw Zhou Ya and Lieutenant General Mi Yue talking about something, with Lan Qiao standing next to them.

When Luo Bi saw Lan Qiao, a heartless guy, she let out a depressed breath and told Zhu Xingzhi to leave quickly.

Unfortunately, Lan Qiao happened to look this way, and when she saw the two people returning home with a full load, she immediately shouted: "Luo Bi, did you go out to look for ingredients? What did you find? Come over here and let me take a look."

What a thing, something so blind that she couldn't tell that she was bothered at all.

Luo Bi pretended not to hear, grabbed Zhu Xingzhi's arm and left. Because of the rain, Lan Qiao couldn't hear her and said to Zhu Xingzhi: "Don't pay attention to her, don't see anyone else, let her see us." The pheasants must be too greedy to move away."

Zhu Xingzhi quickened his pace. He was annoyed by such people: "Who is this?"

"For the family members of the garrison, her husband is not as good as her. He is quite useless." Speaking of which, Luo Bi became angry. It was not easy for everyone to go on missions. What's wrong with always thinking about taking advantage of others? Luo Bi looked down on this kind of person and cursed in a low voice: "Shameless."

Seeing that Luo Bi was ignoring her, Lan Qiao shouted loudly: "Why are you ignoring me? Didn't you hear me? Luo Bi, come here and talk for a while."

Lieutenant General Mi Yue looked over with a smile, and a pair of shrewd eyes fell on the bamboo and wicker basket hanging on Zhu Xingzhi's body. Luo Bi couldn't lift the wicker basket, but Zhu Xingzhi still wanted to pass it.

Zhou Ya also looked over, with inquiry in her eyes. She was also curious about what Luo Bi and the others had gained.

Luo Bi pretended not to hear. She put down the expression on her face and walked over. She greeted Lieutenant General Mi Yue first, and then said to Lan Qiao coldly: "Why are you yelling? Zhu Xingzhi and I My clothes got wet when I went out, and I’m in a hurry to go back and change. Is there anything I can’t say later?”

"Didn't I want to ask how the harvest was?" Lan Qiao felt embarrassed and walked towards Zhu Xingzhi: "You still have harvest after such heavy rain? What did you find? Let me take a look."

How could Luo Bi let her take a closer look? He stretched out his hand to grab the pheasant from the basket and threw it at the feet of Lieutenant General Mi Yue. Lieutenant General Mi Yue glanced at Luo Bi and his mind immediately changed.

What is thrown at him should have his share when eating.

"I caught a pheasant with wet wings, look at it!" Luo Bi used the pheasant to attract Lan Qiao's attention, and then signaled Zhu Xingzhi to leave: "You go back first, I will talk to them for a while talk."

Zhu Xingzhi hurriedly ran away with the bamboo basket and the wicker basket. He finally saw that the woman who was making noise just now was shameless, and she had to look at things after they had harvested them.

After reading it?

Zhu Xingzhi despised this kind of person from the bottom of his heart.

Lan Qiao looked at Zhu Xingzhi running away and opened her mouth: "Whose child is this? He ran so fast that I didn't even see anything."

Looking back and seeing the pheasant with bright feathers on the ground, Lan Qiao was overjoyed. Now that the price of food ingredients has increased, this pheasant is not cheap. She hasn't eaten meat for a while, and she is greedy when she sees the pheasant.

Zhou Ya came closer, looked at the small pheasant and said: "Lieutenant General Mi, just now you said that the ingredients are single, only mushrooms and ear vegetables. There is no pheasant here. Let's make spicy pheasant tonight. It's spicy and delicious." .”

Luo Bi couldn't help but laugh. She didn't own the pheasant, so whoever wanted to eat it could eat it.

Mom, who are these people?

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