Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1751 Let's get together

Feng Ling's eyes paused: "What's wrong?"

What's wrong? Luo Bi looked at the man and said, "It doesn't taste good. I don't like ginger. The taste of ginger tea is too strong." She moved her tongue, frowned, and commented in one word childishly: "Spicy."

Zhu Xingbao was lying on the sofa eating dried meat and raised his head: "I'm not afraid of spicy food."

After finishing speaking, she stared at Luo Bi dumbfoundedly, and Luo Bi glanced at the child. You are not afraid of spicy food and will not give you a drink: "You are not old enough to eat anything. No wonder they all grow into balls. Roll around to see if they are round or not."

"You are bad." Zhu Xingbao became unhappy and shouted: "I am called strong here, not round."

Luo Bi hummed: "If you want to group it together, it will be round."

Zhu Xingbao: "..." He got up from the sofa and ran away. The child was angry.

Feng Ling didn't care about these things, took the cup from Luo Bi's hand, took a sip, slightly spicy, but slightly gingery, he had counted the ginger slices he made himself, and put the cup in Luo Bi's hand.

"It's okay, it's not very bad to drink. Drink it while it's hot." Fengling coaxed her after hearing this.

"It doesn't taste good to me." She said this, but Luo Bi still took a cup and sipped it. The ginger tea was pungent and spicy, and it didn't taste like pickled fresh ginger at all. It didn't taste good.

While drinking, he glanced at the kitchen area. Zhu Xingbao was spinning in the strong wind, and the foodie was thinking about food.

Fengling stared patiently; Luo Bi drank a small amount of the cup and then said: "Drink the ginger tea and stay on the spaceship. I still have official duties to attend to. I will be back with you soon. Don't go outside the spaceship anymore." , it’s raining heavily this time.”

Zhu Xingbao ordered a chicken wing and ran back: "I'm staying with Luo Bi."

Fengling nodded, gave Luo Bi a few more instructions, went to find Li Feng who was cooking, and put a small bag of fresh river melon seeds on the kitchen counter: "You will fry the ones harvested today when you have time."

Li Feng turned over the ingredients on the grill and was surprised: "River melon seeds? These are rare. I'll clean them and pickle them later when I'm done."

Fengling hesitated for a moment and said, "Don't be too salty. Too much salt is bad for a woman's health."

Li Feng expressed that he knew, and Fengling spoke to Luo Bi again before getting off the spaceship.

After Luo Bi drank the ginger tea, she called Zhu Xingbao into the semi-open kitchen area of ​​the spacecraft. She wanted to know about the mission of the combat team today. Fengling was not free, so she followed Li Feng to inquire.

Li Feng picked up what he could say and stopped what he couldn't. As a soldier of the Fengyao Empire, he couldn't be a loudmouth.

As he was talking, Wen Xiao took care of a small alien beast and sent it to the spacecraft: "For dinner in the evening, the pheasant is too small to eat, so adding this alien beast should be enough."

Zhu Xingbao opened his mouth wide, and Wen Xiao teased him: "Are you happy to have meat to eat?"

Zhu Xingbao jumped: "I'm so happy!"

"You kid." Wen Xiao smiled and faced Luo Bi: "I heard that you caught several pheasants. Tell me how you caught them. I learned how to catch pheasants and give you half of them."

Luo Bi made a gesture: "Poke it with a small branch and it will come out. Do you want to learn?"

"Who are you fooling?" Wen Xiao believed her lies and walked away.

Luo Bi snorted: "If you don't believe me, I'll throw you away."

Li Feng chuckled and put the grilled ingredients aside with his hand. Half of the grills were filled with vegetable skewers. There were quite a few people on the mission this time. There were quite a few senior officers, women and children, so more food had to be made.

The women brought out a lot of vegetables, and Li Feng roasted half of the vegetables and stir-fried the other half.

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