Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1752 Just don’t give it to her

Luo Bi looked at it calmly. The vegetables looked very similar to those grown at home. They could be distinguished by the soil at the roots and the vegetable stems. The wild ones were different from the artificially grown ones. Those who often went on missions could tell it at a glance.

There are also cleaned mushrooms, which are also mushrooms and bamboo fungus with relatively high nutritional value.

It can be seen that she is not the only one to come up with something. Everyone has their own opinions. This is good. If people join in to eat together, they are not treating anyone as a fool. They only eat other people's food and don't get a cent of their own.

It doesn’t matter if there are too many things, having a heart is better than anything else.

Li Feng estimated that it would take at least an hour for Fengling, Qin Yilang, and Luo Jie to come back, so they marinated the exotic meat for a while and put it on the grill. Conveniently, I turned the vegetable skewers over and sprinkled the seasoning again, and the aroma of the vegetables came out.

"Bake a chicken. I'll eat it tomorrow after the sauce is ready in the evening." Luo Bi ate the dried fish and wondered how to eat the pheasant. She even said angrily: "Didn't Zhou Ya say that everyone should have a share of the pheasant I caught? Let her smell a chicken, but don’t give it to her to eat.”

Luo Bi wasn't worried at all about letting people know about her fussy temper. She didn't provoke Zhou Ya, and the relationship between the two of them was just average. It would be too shameful for them to divide her things.

No matter who she is, Zhou Ya, Robbie will arrange her when the opportunity arises.

Li Feng had nothing to say: "Okay, how about marinating a chicken and braising another?"

"You can do what you want? You can do whatever you want." Luo Bi didn't have much interest in eating, so she didn't have any ideas for a while.

Luo Bi chatted with Li Feng, and Zhu Xingbao brought river melon seeds to clean. After a while, he brought them back. Luo Bi took a look, thought, and then sighed. It would be better if her crab pot was not broken.

"What? Remember your crab pot?" Luo Bi's performance was so obvious that Li Feng could tell at a glance: "Did you learn how to repair arrays in the academy? I remember there is this course, you can try to repair it. .”

repair? Luo Bi hummed: "I haven't learned refining well, so I still need to fix it? No way."

"Not at all?" Li Feng was surprised.

Luo Bi hummed, Li Feng was doubtful, and looked for seasonings from the seasoning box to pickle river melon seeds: "Qin Cui knows some basic repair operations, you can even refine the array device, but you don't know how to repair it at all? No. Most likely!”

"I've only been in the academy for a few days?!" Luo Bi had good reasons and complained to Li Feng: "I took a few classes and blew up a few times. I didn't learn anything else useful, so I went out on missions every day. .”

Li Feng frowned and reminded her: "The tuition fees at Emperor Star Talent Academy are not cheap. The tuition fees are hundreds of thousands of interstellar coins per quarter. You have to learn something useful, and you can't just know how to blow up a furnace."

Which pot should I not open? Is the furnace bothering you? Luo Bi gave Li Feng a sideways glance, but it was a pity that Li Feng was busy cooking and didn't see it. Staring blankly, and looking away, Robbie thought seriously.

"Yes, I have paid the tuition." Luo Bi added it up and immediately had an idea: "Why don't I earn it back in the winter, go back to the Emperor Star to take classes, and earn some refining materials."

Li Feng said: "You make up your own mind."

Then Li Feng stopped talking and was busy cooking, Luo Bi waited for a while: "You talk!"

"You tell me, I'll listen." Li Feng couldn't find anything to talk about. After frying a plate of spicy river clams, he pushed it to the counter next to Luo Bi: "I don't know what to talk about, so you can give me an idea. "

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