Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1755 Array Function

Qin Yilang's thoughts moved and he looked at Luo Bi. He had no choice but to place his hope in the array.

What are you watching her do? Luo Bi was noncommittal, and after a moment's thought, she said there was nothing she could do: "It's not impossible for those who don't have spiritual intelligence, but without Wu Lao, Zhan Lao, and Flame Ladle to lead the team, do you think those without spiritual intelligence can handle it?"

She was talking about the small spoon array device, and I won't mention the small handkerchief array device. It's embarrassing to mention it. I don't know which part of the array went wrong this time. The little handkerchief that reopened the array function has a very strange preference.

He likes to pick up golden balls and join in the fun, but he doesn't like fighting.

The same goes for the Wen family's small fireball. It comes out of the stove and is really different.

"Do you have any other array weapons?" Roger analyzed the feasibility of the small spoon array weapon in combat and decisively rejected it, but he was still unwilling to give in: "I can't count on the small handkerchiefs. Those small baskets and bamboo baskets you refined Can it be used? I remember that you have refined it a lot. In addition to catching the magical beasts thrown out, does the small bamboo basket have other functions? "

Luo Bi thought for a moment: "I don't know."

"If you don't know, just go to sleep." Fengling lowered her eyes and tucked Luo Bi into a soft animal skin blanket. She suddenly paused and her expression became cold. She put down Luo Bi and got up to make a cup of hot ginger tea. Luo Bi didn't care. But he couldn't help but care about his body.

Luo Bi took a look and sat down to wait. Roger took advantage of this moment to ask her about the function of the array device, but nothing came out. Luo Bi didn't understand it herself, so Roger asked her? Asking is like asking in vain.

"You don't have any points for the things you refined yourself?" Roger was speechless.

It was okay not to refine it, but Luo Bi got angry when he mentioned it: "I don't even know how to refine it. I didn't pay much attention to the class, and I didn't take any serious courses. In the end, I refined something. You How can I count?"

Roger: "..." Is it still reasonable for not paying attention to class? ! !

Qin Yilang: "······"

Zhan Ogi facial paralysis: "······"

Wen Xiao: "... How can those who take classes seriously like you survive?!"

He Yun was amused. Fengling came back soon, took the hot ginger tea into Luo Bi's hands, and continued to hold him in her arms and talk about military affairs. Luo Bi drank it in small sips, and fell asleep after drinking the ginger tea. She didn't get enough sleep at noon.

After Lieutenant General Mi Yue boarded the spacecraft, everyone counted the amount of supplies again, and then went to rest.

However, Lieutenant General Mi Yue could not rest. He got off the spacecraft and continued to direct the sergeants to work. Those who chopped firewood, those who made fires, and those who dried mushrooms dried mushrooms. The entire Zhihuang Star garrison was brightly lit at night.

Roger pretended that something was wrong, and asked Wen Xiao, Wu Shao, Xue Yue, and Lan Xun to lead the team out again. Before they could find anything, a strong wind and rain made the group of people unable to withstand it and came back.

At the same time, other hunting teams and mercenary groups were not idle either. Several teams wandered around the outskirts of the mountain forest. Unable to withstand the overwhelming heavy rain, they returned to their garrison in depression.

You can also collect mushrooms and earweeds during the day. At night, your eyes will be darkened and you will grab a handful of grass leaves. If you don't come back, you will be angry to death.

The next day, the heavy rain was mixed with ice particles, which made a crackling sound when it hit the body. What followed was a drop in temperature. Luo Shan, Lan Heng, and Wen Fei had high status. They had no intention of staying any longer in such bad weather, so they left Cuizhuxing with their people.

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