Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1756 Form a team

Throughout the morning, all the stations in Cuizhu Star were busy with people coming and going. There were hunting teams leaving, and there were also teams coming from Qing Yao Star. Most people were in a wait-and-see attitude at this time.


Or continue the mission?

Many people struggle with this issue. There is probably no need for women to stay on at this time. They have no fighting ability, are weak in constitution, and cannot withstand the cold. There is really no need to continue to go on missions.

But the Thunder Flame Warrior is different. It's just the beginning of winter, and the next ice particles are just there. With the combat power and strong genes of the Thunder Flame Warrior, there is no problem in dealing with such bad weather.

The ice particles are nothing to worry about, the main thing is the heavy rain which shows no signs of weakening.

Originally, the rain was too heavy, so we had to rely on touch when collecting ingredients. Now, coupled with the dense ice particles falling on our bodies, they made a crackling sound. Those who had not yet left watched for a while, not knowing where to go.

Neither leaving nor staying.

At this time, some Thunder Flame warriors took advantage of the opportunity to go out to look for energy wood. Whether it was wet energy wood or dry energy wood, small branches or big trees, small trees, as long as it was energy wood, no one would pick it. They would cut it down and carry it to the spaceship. superior.

The women and children were not idle either. They followed the Thunder Flame warriors to dig wild vegetables, pick mushrooms and ear vegetables. The hard work only lasted for a day and a half. Maybe the team would finish the mission and go back.

Therefore, women and children were keenly aware of the sense of urgency and moved very quickly.

Fengling had a wife to care for, so she immediately teamed up with Hua Ran, Wu Shao, Li Feng, and Huang Chao to cut down the energy wood. After the Zhu family children and Xue Zhijiao, Pei Yang, Bai Juan, Qi Rong, and Qi Zhan heard about it, Run over and ask about the team formation.

Wen Yao went over and said to Fengling: "Let's form a team and Wen Xiao and I will go too."

Everyone had their own plans. Fengling was not interested in asking Wen Yao and Wen Xiao who would cut down the energy wood for, so she nodded in agreement. Fengling didn't care what other people were planning, but he had to prepare enough energy wood at home so that even if no one formed a team, he and Hua Ran could still take action.

When Zhu Xingzhi saw the team here, he ran back to the small luxury spaceship and called Luo Bi. He knocked on the bedroom door: "Luo Bi, ice particles are falling outside. Get up and take a look. It's raining really hard."

Luo Bi slept well and was not very awake after being woken up. She was startled after hearing this. It was normal for ice particles to fall at the beginning of winter, but she didn't expect it to happen so quickly. She put on her military uniform, washed her face, and ran to the door of the spacecraft to see if it was true.

At a glance, all I could see was a continuous gloomy heavy rain, mixed with ice particles that were larger than last year. They fell to the ground with a thin layer of ice particles.

This winter is very long, Luo Bi can tell right now without asking anyone else.

Considering the severe cold in winter and the rising prices, Luo Bi squinted her eyes. Zhu Xingzhi was chattering away and told Luo Bi everything he knew. Zhu Xingbao and Zhu Xingrong ran onto the spacecraft to supplement the information.

"Lan Heng and Luo Shao led the team away at dawn. The hunting team and the mercenary group almost didn't leave." Zhu Xingzhi and Luo Bi watched the rain and ice particles together. The child spoke clearly and imitated: "Wen Fei is ready, I wonder if she will leave now?"

"I took a look just now, but I haven't left yet." Zhu Xingrong wiped the rain from his face.

While they were talking, Mrs. Zhu and Mrs. Luo came and asked Luo Bi if she could leave.

Luo Bi was noncommittal: "Let's see and then talk. I want to be with Fengling."

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