Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1757 Stand still

Mrs. Zhu also couldn't decide whether to leave or not: "Women and children both plan to leave. The Thunder Flame fighters probably won't finish their mission for a while. Women have no combat power, so they won't be able to help if they don't leave."

Therefore, it is wise to leave, so as not to harm the Thunder Flame Warriors.

"Look, if it doesn't work, I'll go with you." Luo Bi didn't have an accurate idea at all, she was just like this, she could change her mind at any time, she said she was going with Feng Ling, but now she changed her mind again.

After listening to Luo Bi's words, Mrs. Zhu and Mrs. Luo went back to the tent hall to discuss.

Luo Bi also wanted to follow, so she raised her feet and ran back to the spaceship restaurant area to look around to see if there was anything to eat. In the pot was the chicken that had been sauced last night. Li Feng asked Zhu Xingzhi to bring it all to her, and then opened the lid of another pot. In the pot was boiled ginseng soup and rice.

Breakfast was full of nutrients and energy, but it was a pity that she didn't want to eat it at all.

If it was normal, Luo Bi would eat some if he didn't want to eat, but right now the whole station couldn't calm down, Luo Bi couldn't hold back anymore, turned around and didn't plan to eat, anyway, he wasn't hungry.

Luo Bi has no appetite, but Zhu Xingbao has a good appetite. The child stared at the sauce chicken in the pot and swallowed: "Luo Bi, don't you want to eat it? The sauce chicken is delicious."

Well, Luo Bi understood what this kid was thinking as soon as he heard it, and called Zhu Xingzhi loudly: "Zhu Xingzhi, wash your hands and come over and tear off the chicken wings, one for each of us, take it and eat while walking."

Zhu Xingzhi was still standing at the door of the spaceship watching the weather, promised, washed his hands and ran over. According to Luo Bi, two chicken legs were given to Zhu Xingbao and Zhu Xingrong. He and Luo Bi each had a chicken wing.

Zhu Xingbao held the chicken drumstick in his hands and took a bite. The sauced chicken drumstick was so delicious.

Luo Bi was afraid of the cold, so she went back to her bedroom and put on an animal skin skirt. When she came back, she took a bite of the chicken wings. She didn’t want to eat them. It’s better to give her a cucumber to eat. She walked to the door of the spaceship and asked, “I’ve tasted the chicken wings. , none of you think so, I won’t eat it.”

Even a child doesn't mind, Zhu Xingzhi stretched out his hand: "Give it to me!"

Luo Bi gave the chicken wings to Zhu Xingzhi, and then handed them to Zhu Xingzhi. Zhu Xingbao said sweetly: "Brother, you are so kind."

Zhu Xingrong was used to it and didn't feel that Zhu Xingzhi was partial at all. This was how he was treated as brothers with a foodie.

Zhu Xingzhi lazily responded to Zhu Xingbao's flattery, Luo Bi smiled and jumped off the spaceship, took the children to visit other camps, asked about the situation, and saw how many left and how many stayed.

As soon as Lan Heng and Luo Sha left, Wen Fei felt uneasy. After cleaning up, she led the team and left Cuizhuxing immediately.

The hunting team and the mercenary group stood still and took a wait-and-see attitude. The others were not in a hurry, nor were they in a hurry. After all, they were on a mission. There was absolutely no reason for the Thunder Flame fighters to leave because of the bad weather.

It's just ice particles falling down to cool down, and the Thunder Flame Warriors are not afraid of this.

In contrast, the talented people in the hunting team and mercenary group did not have this calmness. They packed up the harvested supplies, changed their gauze clothes into animal skin skirts, and called out to get together to discuss the matter of leaving.

At this time, there were a lot of people in the garrisons inquiring about each other's news, so it was not unusual for Luo Bi to bring a few children to appear in other garrisons. If anyone knew them, they would say hello and chat with each other.

In the tent hall, the distinguished talent bonder was conversing. The others basically followed the arrangements and did not interrupt.

After listening to the general idea, Luo Bi almost understood the situation and asked Zhu Xingzhi, Zhu Xingbao and Zhu Xingrong to leave.

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