Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1758 The Flaming Spoon takes action

When Luo Bi returned to the station, Feng Ling and Wu Shao had already formed a team to find the energy wood. Wen Yao, Wen Xiao, and He Yun went with them. They had no wives, and they went with them to prepare for the family members. , on the other hand, is to help.

Zhan Di has a wife but has no intention of preparing energy wood. He and Jiang Xi'er are married, so prepare energy wood for Jiang Xi'er? It's just funny. Even if it's the woman Zhan Di likes, he doesn't have such thoughts unless the woman can give him a child.

Are there such women in the three major galaxies?

Yes, Bai Xian is one, Zhan Di sneered coldly, but it's a pity that this woman is useless. It will take three hundred years to know whether she can get pregnant. Thinking of this, Zhan Di lost interest even more. He frowned and chatted with several senior officers.

Luo Jie and Qin Yilang couldn't hold back, and took a group of people out to collect supplies. Luo Bi first went to the women's circle to listen.

After a while, Luo Bi got up out of boredom and called the spoons together to teach them some basic knowledge.

Robbie is a spoon that tosses around when he is free, but Orange Spoon doesn’t have such leisure time. In its eyes, there are only interstellar coins that can be bought for everything, and the rest are just clouds. , there is no need to learn anything else.

Orange Spoon didn't listen to the call, and left with a big bamboo basket. It had to collect supplies and sell interstellar coins. Luo Bi immediately asked Flame Spoon to go out: "Bring me back the orange spoon, it's not obedient every time."

The flaming spoon listened to his aunt's words the most. He went over and brought the orange spoon back, and then all the other spoons ran away. The Wen family's little fireball jumped up and down happily. It was so fun. It was so fun to shoot out a string of small fireballs.

Luo Bi was so angry, she just let go of her picks. When she was full, she was willing to teach them things. If she didn't want to learn to be lazy, she didn't want to teach yet. If she had time, she might as well eat melon seeds.

Thinking of the river melon seeds fried by Li Feng, Luo Bi wanted to eat it, turned around and ran back to the small luxury military spaceship, packed a lot of river melon seeds and distributed them to Zhu Xingzhi, Zhu Xingbao, and Zhu Xingrong.

Afterwards, the rain became lighter, and the Thunder Flame warriors were overjoyed. The hunting team leader and the mercenary team leader immediately mobilized the team to take action, preparing to rush to collect supplies before the monsters.

The rain has subsided, but the ice particles have fallen more densely, and a layer of ice particles has quickly spread.

Fengling and Wu Shao led the team back, sorted out the energy wood, and hurried to the conference hall for a meeting to formulate an action strategy. Several combat teams were sent out, but the mushrooms were beaten by ice particles and the harvest was not much.

The Thunder Flame fighters tried to mobilize the wind element to throw monsters, but the sky had changed, and the wind element couldn't be mobilized. Bai Yan shook his head, this method of combat had to be discarded.

In this way, the situation is different. The number of monsters on Green Bamboo Star is huge. Once there is no combat power to stop them, when the rain slows down, monsters and other beasts may move in full force, and humans will definitely not be able to get cheap.

But ending the task like this and leaving, everyone was a little bit unwilling.

The next best thing is to go to Qingyao Xing or other planets to collect supplies, but can that be the same? A planet with Warcraft is completely different from a planet without Warcraft, okay?

In the so-called wealth and danger, the powerful hunting teams and mercenary groups are not willing to change planets to fight, and the weak teams are also unwilling to do so.

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