Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1759 The Blessing of the Array Disk Array Device

At this time, the teams on Green Bamboo Star had their own schemes, most of them stood still, and there were also those who explored the way ahead. In short, no one was idle.

In the afternoon, the rain in the sky stopped completely, and the whole sky was covered with crackling ice particles, which were dense and urgent, and the ground was covered with layer after layer. At the same time, news is being sent among various forces that monsters of warcraft are gathering towards the edge of the planet.

There are not many of them at present, but the combat power level of Warcraft is not low, and the combat power level of alien beasts is even higher, all of which are above level five. Without the blessing of the array array, the human side would not even have the ability to fight against such a small wave of monsters.

Feng Zijie had no shortage of equipment in his hands, and he also had array arrays, so naturally there was no reason to retreat at this time.

Therefore, he immediately contacted several powerful teams, planning to kill the monsters one by one before they formed a horde. Kill one to earn one. Human beings can't cope with the tide of small monsters, and they still have the ability to kill one by one.

Lan Rui got the news and responded immediately: "Count me in."

Zhan Xiao was also unambiguous: "Wait, I'll go there right away."

Xue Changjuan rushed to Green Bamboo Star one step later, and also got involved. As long as it was a strong team, Feng Zijie would not refuse anyone. A group of people who held power in the family gathered together to quickly formulate a strategy for action.

On the other side, Qin Yilang, Feng Ling, Luo Jie, Consul Pei Jing, Wen Yao, He Yun, Zhan Di, Wu Shao, Lieutenant General Mi Yue, Wei Wei, and Mr. Zhu are also meeting to study and formulate action strategies.

Tang Shao took the communicator to report the situation of Cuizhuxing to Admiral Qi Lan. Wen Xiao, Jiang Yixin, Wei Yang and others were not idle, and they all gathered outside the conference hall to wait for the news, and took advantage of this time to check the equipment.

Women are restless, always feel that a big war is about to break out, want to leave but dare not leave, and are afraid if they don't leave. Fortunately, at this time, General Qi Lan sent a guard to pick up some of the family members.

Robbie was nibbling on river melon seeds to play with her own, and when the ground was covered with a layer of ice particles, she stomped on them maliciously. Zhu Xingbao has been paying attention to Luo Bi, watching it for fun, and then stepping on the ice particles on the ground.

Wen Xiao checked the equipment of the combat team, stared at the ice particles in the sky for a while, and suddenly remembered the array. After hesitating for a while, Wen Xiao found a small wicker basket from the storage ring, held it in his hand and studied it.

"What are you looking at?" Tang Shao asked after hanging up the communication.

"The things that Luo Bi refines are evil, and they never play cards according to common sense. I want to see if this small wicker basket is a formation weapon." Wen Xiao looked at it for a long time, and there was nothing special about the little wicker basket: "It's the same for Luo Bi. The things that are refined are either blown up or destroyed after one use. Now, apart from the Jade Sword with the lightning attribute, our equipment is really useless."

Tang Shao's eyes fell on the small wicker basket, and he shook his head: "Didn't I try it before, and I can't import abilities."

Wu Cheng came over and didn't agree with Tang Shao's words: "That was in the past, try again now, maybe it will work."

Wen Xiao thought the same way, holding the sword in his hand, ready to try. Tang Shao stepped aside to wait and see, Wei Yang, Jiang Yixin, Li Feng, Wu Xie, Huang Chao and others immediately gathered over, laughing and telling Wen Xiao to hurry up.

Luo Bi likes to join in the fun, she guessed what was going on at a glance, she stopped stepping on the ice particles, and immediately ran over, she also wanted to know if the wicker basket could introduce abilities.

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