Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1767 More income

For the Leiyan fighters, the combat team was divided into several combat teams to prepare for departure.

On the other side, Zhou Ya, Feng Zifei, and Jiang Luoer were also forming a team. There were many women participating, and they wanted to join if they had children. After they ran over to ask about the salary, the children hesitated.

It's not impossible to pay one-third of the harvest, but they still have to pay the combat team. How much do they have left for the two sides?

No matter how you calculate it, it feels a little distressing, and the children are reluctant to part with it.

Jiang Qianran also intends to form a team for a mission, so following the snatch, she walked up to Luo Bi and asked, "I plan to form a team for a mission, will you go? If you do, you can consider joining my team."

Luo Bi saw that everyone was actively doing tasks, and her emotions were mobilized. She did intend to form a team, but not with Jiang Qianran, so she smiled and said: "I want to talk about it later."

It means to wait and see first, it may not be possible to get out the mission, so that Jiang Qianran doesn't have to take her into consideration.

Jiang Qianran is more sensible, she is capable, and she doesn't worry about not being able to organize people. She doesn't really care if Luo Bi doesn't go. Seeing that Luo Bi didn't join any team, it was just a matter of asking, one more person would give her an extra income, so let it be if Luo Bi didn't want to go.

Jiang Qianran went to ask other people again, Luo Bi looked up at the ice particles like broken pearls, she wanted to come up with a mission, but it was no colder than the camp outside, the wild! What to do if it’s fun but you’re afraid of the cold?

Luo Bi struggled for a while, but still wanted to form a team and go on a mission, so she went to find Feng Ling.

Feng Ling refused without even thinking about it: "Aren't you afraid of the cold? The temperature in the mountains is even lower. You can't stand the sudden cold weather. Stay obediently at the station and don't run around."

"I won't be cold if I wear one more piece of clothing." Luo Bi didn't give up. At present, humans are competing with monsters for time, and she also wants to collect as many supplies as possible.

Fengling was busy mobilizing the team and did not answer Luo Bi's words.

Luo Bi ran to find his father Luo Hang again, Luo Hang was preparing to go out with Hua Ran, thought for a while and asked: "If you are not afraid of the cold, just follow, your brother and I are going out, go get some warm clothes and put them on. Be careful of freezing."

Luo Bi ran to tell Feng Ling again: "My father agreed to take me on a mission together."

Feng Ling sighed, it was not easy to save his father-in-law's face: "Go and tell Hua Ran to follow behind the combat team. If you encounter a monster, everyone will take care of you."

Luo Bi hurried to tell Hua Ran that Hua Ran originally planned to find another way, but Feng Ling's kindness, he naturally did not respond.

Now Luo Bi was happy, both Luo Hang and Feng Ling asked her to wear an extra dress, she came back after a gust of wind, the spaceship was not on, and she was not cold, wearing an extra dress would be cumbersome.

Feng Ling touched Luo Bi's hand, it was soft and not cold, so she didn't say anything.

Zhu Xingbao ran up to Luo Bi: "Luo Bi, I'm going too."

Such a small child, Luo Bi looked at the child and still said: "Okay, I will take you."

"Aren't you going to call Brother Xingzhi and Xingrong?" The child asked with bright eyes.

Luo Bi wanted to call Zhu Xingzhi and Zhu Xingrong, and took a look at the Thunder Flame Warriors who formed the team. With Zhu Xingzhi and Zhu Xingrong's combat power, they could barely join a combat team. It might not be good for her to call them over.

"Maybe they teamed up with someone else," Robbie thought.

"I'll go ask." Zhu Xingbao ran away.

Luo Bi waited, and soon Zhu Xingzhi and Zhu Xingrong were called by Zhu Xingbao, clamoring to form a team with Luo Bi.

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