Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1768 I am confident enough

When Mr. Zhu heard that Luo Bi was on a mission, he was also moved. He brought the whole family of Zhu's family to join Huaran's team.

Luo Bi was slightly startled, then smiled and simply called the fighting team to join them. Later, Qin Cui, He Xiang, Qin Cui, and Wei Zi also joined in. Others who were close to them also followed after asking.

Looking at the entire team, there are mostly women and children, which is very funny to watch.

Wei Yu found out that they were all members of the Feizhu Star. As one of the three powerful people in the Feizhu Star General Headquarters, he couldn't leave so many people alone, so he greeted Qin Yilang and brought his own escort to join Hua. Ran team.

The team is growing and Hua Ran is happy to see its success.

Lieutenant General Mi Yue was so good that he stuffed a combat team led by Tang Shao into Hua Ran's team without even thinking about it.

Coupled with a powerful combat team, everyone was full of confidence and marched out of the station. It was the beginning of winter at this time, and the trees stood majestically in the cold wind, and the eyes were still green.

The mountains of Cuizhuxing are undulating, and more than a dozen hunting teams and mercenary groups are leading teams to shuttle through it. Because there are mostly women and children in their team, Hua Ran, Wei Wei, and Tang Shao dare not go deep and only collect supplies at the edge of the mountain forest.

At this time, no one wanted to pick anything. They wanted whatever they saw, including frost-beaten wild vegetables, mushrooms, half-dried ear vegetables, and various mature ingredients. They didn’t let them go when they saw them. A group of people put them into the bamboo basket with all their strength. Pull.

Five Spoons, Flaming Spoons, War Spoons, and Orange Spoons walked around the forest. When they saw strange animals, they rushed to kill them. Whoever killed them belonged to whom. The spoons clearly divided the supplies.

Wen's Little Fireball is also wandering around in the woods, with small hands behind their backs, leisurely and comfortable, and no one is as leisurely and comfortable as Wen's Little Fireball.

There was a combat team in front of them to clear the way, but there were very few powerful beasts in the back, and there were not many weak ones. After a short time, Luo Bi lost her temper, waved to the children, and went to another mountain range. .

Hua Ran had no choice but to lead the team to keep up, while Wei Wei and Tang Shao fell behind, plucking all the places they passed.

Due to the weather, not many strange beasts came out for a walk. The women were busy picking wild vegetables, mushrooms and other ingredients, but the Thunder Flame Warriors and the children showed little interest. Their target was the strange beasts.

Mr. Zhu wanted to let the children practice, and protected Kejin all the way to let Luo Bi and the children toss around. However, after walking for a long time, he didn't see a strange beast, so he didn't even have to worry about it.

There was no other way, there were no strange beasts, so the group had no choice but to dig wild vegetables and pick mushrooms. Suddenly, they saw a small strange beast appear in sight. A group of people were so excited that they rushed to kill it.

Later, Hua Ran's team met Lan Rui's hunting team in the mountains. Lan Rui couldn't help but be happy when he saw Hua Ran's team, and strode over: "Your team is interesting, there are so many women and children."

Without changing his face, Hua Ran chatted with Lan Rui for a few words and asked about the distribution of resources on this mountain.

Lan Rui, who also led the team, had just arrived and couldn't explain why: "Cui Bamboo Planet is an undeveloped planet. You can find ingredients wherever you look. There are a lot of mushrooms, but you haven't seen a single alien beast. What about you? What? Condition?"

Before Hua Ran could speak, Wei Wei smiled and said, "I killed a strange beast."

Lan Rui glanced at the small alien beast in the sergeant's hand, and he probably understood what was going on, so he walked away: "You guys go ahead, I'll take the hunting team to look elsewhere, and I can kill a alien beast!"

The two teams separated and acted independently.

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