Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1776 The picky one is not in the camp

What can Robbie talk about? It's just that if I have nothing to say, I'm looking for something to say.

Lieutenant General Mi Yue's head was buzzing as he listened. He had never seen such a talkative person. He was talking about the weather when suddenly the topic changed and he asked about the Talent Covenant's harvest yesterday. He was still counting the numbers. The topic The jump was too big and he couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

"Oh, what did you just say?" Lieutenant General Mi Yue asked.

Luo Bi: "······"

She probably knew how busy Lieutenant General Mi Yue was. She originally thought that speaking would not delay work, but it seemed that was not the case at all. She was chatting about Fatty Mi not interested, so naturally she didn't want to listen, so what else is there to talk about? !

It's boring, let's not talk.

"It's nothing, you can get busy." Luo Bi called Zhu Xingbao, who was eating snacks, to leave, heading towards the kitchen area of ​​the station: "Let's go see what ingredients are prepared in the kitchen. It's not really just ordinary exotic animal meat and mushrooms, right? ?!"

Lieutenant General Mi Yue held his hands and raised his head: "... It's really just these two. You can't even add vegetables. It's not like you don't know that the daily harvest includes mushrooms and ear vegetables. The strange beast was just caught yesterday." Some, little imperial concubine pig let you eat."

Just a little imperial concubine pig, Lieutenant General Mi Yue cruelly took it out as an ingredient, he remembered it clearly.

Luo Bi heard this and continued walking towards the kitchen area. She just took a look. No matter what the ingredients were, she knew what they were. In short, Luo Bi only believed what she saw, and everything else was in vain.

Besides, isn’t she free? !

Zhu Xingbao followed Luo Bi on his short legs, and said with a small mouth: "I went to see it just now. There were only mushrooms, ear vegetables and exotic animal meat. The seasonings were not complete. There was ginger but no garlic, and not much green onions. , it will definitely not taste good if you make it, why don't you tell the logistics captain."

"No need." Luo Bi thought it over and objected: "We were not the only ones eating in the restaurant. No one said anything. Why are we talking so much? Feng Zifei and Jiang Qianran are not picky? Let them do it."

"They are not at the station." Zhu Xingbao was worried because the picky one was not at the station.

Luo Bi turned around and glared at the child: "Why do you have so many things to do? You eat whatever is cooked in the kitchen area. You have a problem with the weird things like mushrooms, ear vegetables, and exotic animal meat. You can't eat even a single mountain mushroom." taste."

Zhu Xingbao failed to achieve his goal and fell silent.

Luo Bi glanced at the child and walked to the kitchen area. It was already ten o'clock in the morning, and Qi Gengyun and the chef were discussing the quantity of ingredients needed. There is no need to be entangled in the types of ingredients, just a few, very scarce.

You can study the dishes, fried, stewed, grilled, braised, or even a pot of soup, which will definitely make everyone full.

If you eat well, you will forget about it. Go to bed early at night, and you will have everything in your dreams.

Qi Gengyun took the time to give Luo Bi a look, and Luo Bi smiled: "Let me see what I have for lunch."

"Just those few things, mushrooms, ears, vegetables, and meat from exotic animals." Qi Gengyun motioned to Luo Bi to look at it for himself, then turned back and continued talking to the chef: "I have sent someone to Qingyao Star to buy seasonings. You first need to think about how to use the ingredients. It tastes better, but the ingredients are not complete, we are good at cooking, and we use more mushrooms and ear vegetables to make delicious dishes."

It can really fool people, Luo Bi wanted to laugh when he heard it, and kept looking at the types of ingredients.

Damn, that's all there is to it. After watching it, Robbie lost her appetite at all.

After leaving the kitchen area, Luo Bi thought about going to the bamboo forest to see if there were any good things.

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