Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1777 It’s not impossible to open a small stove

In the past, Luo Bi might not have had such thoughts, but today was different. Everyone was on a mission. Zhou Ya, Feng Zifei, and Jiang Qianran were not at the station. There was no arguing over the delicious food.

That's why Luo Bi wanted to try out the camp.

It's not impossible to open a small stove, the problem is that Luo Bi thinks it's troublesome, so it's better to eat in a restaurant to save trouble.

Besides, she was determined to find the ingredients, and she might not be able to find them.

Thinking too much was boring, so I called Zhu Xingbao and planned to go for a stroll, and if I found the ingredients, I would add a dish, but if I couldn't find it, I couldn't find it.

"What are you two doing?" Lieutenant General Mi Yue saw it at a glance and called out: "It's snowing on the ground and it's hard to walk. If you want to play around, you can go to the station. If not, go on the spaceship and play with the small optical computer. Don't run around. .”

Luo Bi didn't hide anything, and immediately said: "Let's go to the bamboo forest for a walk, not too far away."

Going for a walk in the bamboo forest? Lieutenant General Mi Yue didn't want to hear this, and walked away: "I'll go with you."

Luo Bi stopped moving and looked at Lieutenant General Mi Yue speechlessly: "What are you going to do? Isn't Lieutenant General Mi Yue busy? Zhu Xingbao and I are going to play, and you can go too?! Is Lieutenant General Mi Yue free?"

I didn't have time to chat with her just now, are you free to go out with them now? ! Luo Bi didn't know what to say: "You'd better not go, we will come back soon after a round."

Lieutenant General Mi Yue was indeed busy. He hesitated for a moment and then called over Xue Zhijiao and Bai Kai of Wucheng who had just returned to the garrison: "I'm not worried about them leaving the garrison. You can go with them."

Wu Cheng was surprised. Xue Zhijiao and Bai Kai nodded without saying a word, but Luo Bi felt that this was not good. It would be fine if she found the ingredients. If she couldn't find them, wouldn't it cause trouble if she asked three Thunder Flame warriors to follow them? ?

The Thunder Flame Warrior is busy at the moment!

She didn't do anything and didn't say anything. It would be unreasonable to take up the Thunder Flame Warrior's time any longer. Luo Bi frowned, and Lieutenant General Mi Yue looked unconcerned: "It's not that we can't go far away, go quickly. Come on, it’s just winter and it’s so cold!”

Luo Bi sighed and called the master out of the camp.

The bamboo forest on the outskirts of the mountain forest was lush and green, with thick snow hanging on the branches, and some thin branches were bent. A snow ball fell down, startling a few birds, and flew away with wings.

Robbie looked at the bamboo forest and asked, "Where are we going?"

Bai Kai said: "You make up your mind, you can go wherever you want."

Wu Cheng and Xue Zhijiao also meant the same thing, Zhu Xingbao broke a small branch and ran back, Luo Bi lifted his feet and walked deep into the bamboo forest. Not too far away, a group of people reached the edge of a big mountain and dispersed to find ingredients.

Bai Kai shook the bamboo to see if there were any fruits.

Zhu Xingbao ran to look for mushrooms, while Wu Cheng and Xue Zhijiao looked for mushrooms in one direction. Luo Bi broke off a small branch, scanned the forest, and poked at the hole in the tree.

Nothing, just find a tree hole.

There is no tree hole in the bamboo tree. Luo Bi walked forward while looking for the tree hole, and there was a tree hole more than ten meters away, so he hurriedly ran over with a smile. I inserted a small branch and poked tentatively, eh, there is a native pig.

Robbie waited a few seconds, and poked out a chubby dirt pig.

If you poke it again, it's gone. There's just a native pig in this tree hole.

There seemed to be a few of them, and Luo Bi was confused. She was wandering around while considering whether to catch another one.

Suddenly, Luo Bi's eyes paused. Okay, no need to worry. She saw another tree hole. I ran over and poked it with a small branch, and a native pig came out, and another native pig came out.

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