Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1778 Nutritional Value

Luo Bi was holding two little native pigs and looking at them with a smile.

After looking around, I scanned the trees and found no bamboo fruits, nor any other nutritious fruits. I always want to find something more, what do you think I should do? ! There was no one on the tree, so Luo Bi focused on the ground. She glanced over them one by one and took a fancy to a few clusters of bamboo.

He carried two native pigs in his left hand, and ran over with one in his right hand. He kicked it with his foot, but he was mistaken. There was nothing in the bamboo bush he was looking for.

Kicked over cluster after cluster, finally a nest of mushrooms came out.

"Wu Cheng, Xue Zhijiao, whoever of you come to help, I found something good!" Luo Bi shouted, she carried the little soil pig with both hands, and even found the fungus to dig.

So, ask Wu Cheng and the others to take action.

Several other people were nearby, and they could see each other. When Luo Bi shouted, Wu Cheng ran over first, followed by Xue Zhijiao, Bai Kai, and Zhu Xingbao.

"You actually caught several little soil pigs? How long has it been?!" Wu Cheng couldn't close his mouth in surprise, and stepped forward to pick up the little soil pigs in Luo Bi's hand: "I haven't even had a litter of mushrooms yet. Found it and you caught three little pigs?! You are so awesome."

Luo Bi didn't answer, and first handed the two little soil pigs in his left hand to Wu Cheng, and Zhu Xingbao jumped up and hugged the other one, and the child said happily, "I'll come, I'll come, I'll hold this one. "

Xue Zhijiao and Bai Kai were also surprised, they went over to look at the three little pigs, Luo Bi beckoned: "It's the little pigs, what's so interesting, here is a nest of mushrooms, dig them out and go back to add vegetables."

"There are still mushrooms?!" Wu Cheng was startled, rushed over to have a look, and indeed saw the mushrooms, and hurriedly called Xue Zhijiao and Bai Kai: "Come and dig quickly, there are really mushrooms."

Luo Bi looked at him: "What are you calling?"

Wu Cheng didn't take it seriously and grinned happily, watching Bai Kai and Xue Zhijiao push aside the weeds and carefully pick the small mushrooms that hadn't grown yet. The litter weighed three kilograms, and the small mushrooms had not grown yet, so they were very tender. Zhu Xingbao hugged the little native pig and clicked his mouth.

After picking the mushrooms, Luo Bi had no other ideas, and proposed to go back: "Let's go, go back and pack up the little soil pigs, add the mushrooms, and we will have something delicious at noon."

Xue Zhijiao hesitated: "Let's search again to see if there are any fungi."

Wu Cheng, Bai Kai, and Zhu Xingbao also nodded in agreement. This is a velvet mushroom, and its nutritional value is not comparable to other mushrooms. Now that they've found a nest, and maybe more, they don't really want to leave.

Luo Bi didn't care about this and walked away. Wu Cheng could only say: "Okay, let's go."

When a few people returned to the station, the kitchen area had already started to prepare meals. Lieutenant General Mi Yue glanced at it, wondering how long it took for them to come back because they walked around too fast. !

Wu Cheng showed him the little native pigs in the bamboo basket: "Luo Bi caught them. Before we did anything, she caught three little native pigs and a nest of mushrooms."

"Why did you come back without wandering around for a while?" Lieutenant General Mi Yue was surprised.

"Who are you asking?" Wu Cheng took a small bamboo basket to clean up the soil pigs, walked past Luo Bi and asked, "Take one or clean up all of them. You catch the little soil pigs, and how you eat them is up to you."

"Eat them all." Luo Bi had a plan in mind and sneered: "I ate them all while the greedy one was not around."

Everyone knew who the greedy one was, and the Leiyan warriors couldn't say anything, so they all took the little pigs to work.

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