Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1779 The first transaction

Wu Cheng picked up a native pig, looked up at the sky, and couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, the sky is overcast, and depending on the situation, the weather will continue to be bad. If this continues, the mission will most likely end early. Looking down at the little native pig in his hand, Wu Cheng had an idea. If he wanted to eat game while on a mission, he could go into the forest to look for it, but it would not be easy to eat it after the mission was over.

You may not be able to buy it if you have interstellar coins, it depends on your luck.

Small native pigs are an ingredient with high nutritional value. Women can only eat them when they are pregnant and have children. Children in the growing stage can also eat them. If the family is well-off, they can buy one and a half pounds at a time.

Eating three little soil pigs at once is really too much.

"Little native pigs are rare ingredients. It's unreasonable to eat three at a time." Wu Cheng said to Xue Zhijiao.

Xue Zhijiao took the native pig's hand and threw it to Zhu Xingbao: "Then kill a little native pig to taste it first. Zhu Xingbao, find a place to settle the little native pig and don't let it run away."

"Don't worry!" Zhu Xingbao took the little native pig, grabbed one of its legs, and stretched out his little hand to take another little native pig that Bai Kai handed over, this one holding the pig's ears.

Knowing that there would be little native pigs for the next meal, the child diligently dragged the two little native pigs and left.

Yan Shao Shao was wandering around with his little hands behind his back, walking from the Bai family station to the Zhihuang Star Combat Team station. He saw Zhu Xingbao carrying two little native pigs and ran over curiously. Shao Shao was puzzled, what was he doing? ! !

Luo Bi didn't say anything. She just killed one. Most of the people she was close to were away from the station at the moment. She couldn't deny that her own people wouldn't be able to eat because they didn't feed Jiang Qianran and Zhou Ya.

It's also good to keep two little pigs.

Zhu Xingbao asked for two small ropes, tied a little native pig to a small tree, and then worked on another little native pig. After the little native pig is tied up, we have to go out to the camp to pick some wild fruits, but we can't let the little native pig starve and lose weight.

Huh? Yan Shao was even more curious. He pulled the pig's ears and the little pig howled.

Yan Shao was so happy that he tugged one ear and the other, and the two little pigs howled at each other. Zhu Xingbao wrinkled his little eyebrows and scolded Yan Shaopo for doing something wrong. The little pigs were fattened and eaten, not played with by pulling their ears.

Yan Shaozi is confused, what do you mean? It doesn't understand.

Luo Bi found it too noisy, glared at Yan Shao several times, and ran over: "Go back to your own camp. The little native pig is not yours. If you want to pull the pig's ears, Bai Yan will catch it for you. Then you can do whatever you want."

Yan Shao went to find Bai Yan, but Bai Yan was not at the station, so Yan Shao asked Orange Shao to take him into the forest to find his master. Later, when his intelligence was turned on, Lao Shao couldn't read or know the way. He got confused when he entered the forest.

Orange Spoon is proud and wants a reward: Give it to a strange beast and I will take you there.

Yan Shaozi: I don't have a strange beast.

Orange Spoon picked up the big bamboo basket, turned around and left: Who will guide you without pay? Go aside.

Orange Spoon thought that he could set a precedent in the world of spoons and make a deal. Who knew that the first transaction he encountered was a dirt spoon. He came from the countryside and didn't know anything. He still wanted to use Orange Spoon when there was no strange beast?

Beautiful thought!

Yan Shao looked at the tugging orange spoon, hanging motionless in the air. Wen's little fireball ran over to gossip with it, poking at the orange spoon. That is a bad spoon. It only recognizes Star Coins and not its friends. You Letting it guide you is better than finding those spoons that can hit you. They know a lot.

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