Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1782: Soup Spoon is a sinister person

Everyone was full. At the table, Zhu Xingbao scanned the bottom of the plate and glanced at the spoon from time to time.

The soup ladle was in a hurry, so Luo Bi stood up from the chair and walked to the kitchen area. The spoons followed, and Luo Bi asked the people in the kitchen for a few dough bags for the spoons, one spoon and one dough bag. The people in the kitchen looked weird when they saw it.

He moved his mouth, but the other party didn't ask his doubts.

He Shanshao shook the dough bag: What are you doing?

As a result, the noodle bag was covered with noodles. It didn't matter if He shook the spoon, he shook a spoonful of noodles. Robi laughed loudly, making your hands crave, Robi also watched the excitement of the spoon, and the kitchen staff couldn't help but laugh.

It’s quite interesting to open the spiritual array device!

He Shao's movements froze, he lowered his head and took a look, and suddenly felt heartbroken. His new shirt had a layer of surface on it.

The spoon and the soup ladle were so close that one layer of the shirt was inevitably stained. I patted it with my little hands. The more I patted it, the more it stained. The brightly colored shirt turned white and it choked my nose. Face to face.

The spoon is confused:······How can this be treated? !

A rough man stretched out his hand and said carelessly: "No more tricks, come here, I will take off your little shirt for you, wash it clean and put it on again."

Spoons all like beautiful things. If they are willing to take off their shirts, they will be naked.

What to do? What to do? The spoons shouted and ran away, and the spoons were not allowed to touch their shirts.

The other party's movements paused. The rough man didn't understand what was going on for a moment. He blinked and said, "Oh, why did everyone run away?"

It would be strange not to run away. Luo Bi stopped laughing. Sometimes she is a serious person, but sometimes she is informal. At this time, she said to the spoons: "Okay, okay, it's just noodles to eat. If you pat it again, you can eat it." It’s got into the seam of my clothes, just take it off and wash it at night.”

She said it easily, but the spoons were sullen. They kept grabbing their shirts with their little hands, which was so annoying.

The soup ladle was furious, and the spirit root of the formation weapon suddenly moved. The soup ladle followed his master, and it was not because of his ignorance that the spirit root was angry. He picked up the bag of noodles and planned to let Luo Bi make some noodles. This person is so bad.

"Soup spoon, what are you doing?" Luo Bi's eyes shrank, she took a few steps back and glared: "You dare to put noodles on me and try it. I'll break you into pieces and throw them into the stove."

The soup ladle is not afraid of threats. It grabs the bag of noodles and pulls it open to shake. It is wearing a uniform with noodles on it. Why does Luo Bi's clothes look so clean? !

Luo Bi ran away after seeing this stupid spoon. A stick-headed spoon is not easy to mess with! Silly Spoon is serious. While running, she kept complaining, "You see how honest He Shao Shao and Xun Shao Shao are, but Tang Shao Shao is a shady person."

This is still the stage of ignorance. If you have high intelligence, you will definitely be full of bad ideas.

Wu Cheng brought Wu Shao back and asked loudly: "What's wrong?"

Luo Bi waved her hand: "Don't mention it."

He Shao picked up the noodle bag and followed him. His little hands were full of noodles. This time it stopped shaking. He pointed at the noodle bag and asked what it was for. It has to dig soil, so what is it doing?

"Those who pack the soil, dig up the soil and put it in the dough bag." Luo Bi slowed down her pace, looked at the increasingly heavy snowstorm, sighed, went to Lieutenant General Mi Yue, and told her about the spoon: "Spoon They want to dig the soil to plant something, Lieutenant General, can you send someone to dig with them?"

Luo Bi never spoke forcefully, she always talked about it: "The newly opened Lingzhi spoons don't know the way. No one will take them. I worry that they will get lost in the mountains and not come back."

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