Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1783 Purchasing Ingredients

The spiritual root of newly opened wisdom is shallow, if it is Wu Shaozi, Zhan Shao, Yan Shao, Orange Spoon, Luo Bi will not worry.

Lieutenant General Mi Yue said: "Let my personal guard captain accompany the spoon to dig the soil."

Anyone can do it. Luo Bi came to Lieutenant General Mi Yue with the idea of ​​​​pushing the spoons to the Lieutenant General and ignoring them. Once the small spoon array is given away, it belongs to others. Luo Bi is too lazy to care. No matter how free she is, she has no time. On to this.

There was a sudden strong wind and snow, and Wu Cheng's team was hesitant. Most of the teams would return when they went on missions in such bad weather. It seemed inappropriate for them to set off at this time.

Winter is so urgent. Considering the rising prices, Luo Bi took out a small computer and started browsing. Sure enough, the price of food ingredients was rising. It was not obvious, but it still increased in price. Warming items also increased accordingly.

The goose feather snow fell on the light brain, and Luo Bi brushed it over and over again, and Zhu Xingbao beside him almost turned into a snowball.

"Let's go down to the eaves of the tent." Robbie fiddled with the small optical computer, and walked away.

Wu Cheng ran over: "Luo Bi, Xue Zhijiao, Bai Kai and I are not going on a mission. We have agreed to go to Qing Yao Star to buy ingredients. Will you go? The trading plaza of Qing Yao Star is very big. You can't buy anything." lack."

Buying from a mission planet is different from entering the market of a safe planet. At least the value of the ingredients is low, and there are many choices when they are just delivered to the trading square. Some big family managers buy things from undeveloped planets every year.

In this way, you can not only snap up good things, but also save a lot of interstellar coins.

Merchants pursue profits. If the goods are screened, classified, transported, and packaged by the merchants, and all the procedures are completed until the goods are placed on the shelves, the price will increase several times.

"Go and see if you can buy something cheap." Luo Bi wanted to go find something cheap. During lunch, she heard someone say that the goods on the mission planet are relatively complete, and maybe you can buy something you like at a low price.

Everyone has the desire to pick up a bargain, and Robbie is no exception.

"Then hurry up, let's drive the hover car." Wu Cheng looked at Luo Bi: "The temperature has dropped again, why don't you wear more clothes? The little north wind is like a knife and it hurts your face."

"No need." Luo Bi called Zhu Xingbao and left. Xue Zhijiao had already driven out of the hover car parking area. Luo Bi went directly to drive his limited edition military sports car: "I will drive myself, Wu Cheng, whose car are you taking?"

Wu Cheng boarded Luo Bi's suspension military sports car, Zhu Xingbao climbed up early, and the two suspension vehicles left the station one after the other. At this time, there are many people who want to go to Qingyaoxing. When the group arrives in Qingyaoxing Town, all the people coming and going are people.

It was even more lively when they arrived at the Exchange Square. Xue Zhijiao looked around for a parking space. Luo Bi had no intention of joining in the fun. She ignored the parking spaces designated by the big family and buyers and parked there after looking at the empty space next to it.

Xue Zhijiao called for a long time and Luo Bi refused to listen, so he had no choice but to drive the suspension car over.

"It's really cold outside." Zhu Xingbao kicked his legs and jumped off the hovercar. Feeling the cold wind, the child stamped his feet: "It's such a cold day that even good things are frozen. I wonder if we can buy delicious ones. We Go and have a look quickly.”

Luo Bi pulled up the soft fur neck muff, took the soft fur animal skin gloves into her hand, stretched out her hand to put on the furry hat on the animal skin skirt, adjusted it slightly, opened the car door and got out of the car, facing a small north wind.

There are many people who drink the wind, which is not surprising.

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