Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1785 Want to buy

Wu Cheng and Xue Zhijiao looked around, and Luo Bi also looked around to see if they knew anyone.

"Wu Cheng and I will go see if there are any acquaintances." Xue Zhijiao and Wu Cheng walked away separately and squeezed into the crowd. Both of them have connections in the Emperor Star. As long as there is an Emperor Star team that they can talk to, it will be easy. .

Of course, the premise is that acquaintances have power, and acquaintances that don’t count are useless.

Bai Kai belonged to a side branch of the family and had limited connections, so he did not leave. Bai Kai was not idle either. He held Zhu Xingbao in his hand and chatted with the people next to him, catching up with each other and asking for news.

Luo Bi looked around and saw a few familiar figures. She was familiar with them, but they were not necessarily familiar with her. It was unlikely that she would squeeze into their purchasing team.

Even if it was possible, Luo Bi didn't intend to come forward to talk to her. It was too deliberate. There was no need to do this just to buy something.

Suddenly, Luo Bi's eyes froze, and she saw an acquaintance again. This one was really an acquaintance, not only an acquaintance, but also related to him. This man's name is Ye Tao. He is born with strong genes but not high. He is a Korean star. According to Luo Bi, he should be called uncle.

What would she call her biological mother's cousin if not uncle?

However, the Luo family currently has only a moderate relationship with Han Xing, so it is still open to question whether the uncle will admit it or not. In the early years, Ye Tao's family also had contacts with the Luo family. Later, due to various reasons, the relationship gradually faded away.

Relatives are like this. As the relationship fades, they become more and more distant.

Luo Bi looked away again. She didn't want to talk to this uncle. There were too many people in the Ye family, so it was better to stay calm. Once the relationship eases, there will be contacts. The Luo family's most indispensable thing is relatives, and Luo Bi does not care about them at all.

Besides, as far as Luo Bi knows, Ye Tao is only the supervisor of a district in Han Xing. He has a small official position and only manages an area as big as a district in Han Xing. Does Luo Bi need him?

Obviously, Luo Bi has no need of this relative.

Therefore, if it is not needed, ignore it, but if it is useful, you can consider it.

Luo Bi is such a snobbery. There are many snobbery people, including her.

Why is she so snobbish? ! !

Just hearing a burst of noise, groups of hunting teams and mercenaries moved the prey and river fresh food to the trading square. The supervisors rushed up and immediately took away the promising ones.

Everyone looked up eagerly, full of surprise: "Oh, there are so many prey, there seems to be blue crabs."

Blue crabs have strong combat power but are not easy to kill.

The key is that blue crabs are delicious!

Luo Bi didn't see anything through the crowd. That's the disadvantage of being small. There was a landscape stone next to it. Luo Bi stepped on it and stood to take a look. At first glance, she saw several baskets of river clams and river clams.

She loves to eat this and wants to buy it.

Luo Bi jumped off the landscape stone, called Bai Kai and left: "There are good things, a lot of river clams and river clams. Let's go over and ask people if they sell them. If they do, we will buy a few more baskets of river clams and clams."

She didn't believe it. She couldn't buy anything with interstellar coins.

A rough calculation shows that those purchasing teams have at least a hundred people, which indeed has a huge purchasing advantage. She desperately wants ten or eight baskets, but any more will not work, and she will not be able to eat if she buys too much.

River fresh food is no better than other ingredients. It becomes stale over time. Who would eat it if it becomes stale? !

At this time, connections and relationships come in handy. To put it bluntly, it is wishful thinking to rush to buy things from various purchasing teams based on your personal ability. But don’t underestimate those purchasing teams. The same goods may not be the same as yours.

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