Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1786: Nothing to say if you are lucky

Not to mention the family power, the planet purchasing teams alone cannot be underestimated. Teams of at least a hundred people come with connections from one planet. Qingyao Star's trading management attaches great importance to these big customers.

Most people knew there was no chance and didn't come forward, but Luo Bi went over. She thought simply, she just asked the price to test it out. If the other party sold it, she would buy it. If it didn't sell, she would sell it out. At worst, she would go shopping elsewhere.

The ingredients on the market in large quantities are fresh and have a lot of choices, otherwise why would she look far away.

Robbie just wants fresh ones, and it's best to let her pick whatever she wants.

The ones carrying the river fresh food were several young Lei Yan warriors. They were all very busy. At first glance, it was not clear who had a good temper. Luo Bi observed them calmly and then looked at the river fresh food in the basket.

"It's quite big." Luo Bi stopped at a distance, praised the other party's goods, and then asked carefully, "Do you sell river clams and river clams? At what price? I want to buy some."

"Why don't you sell it? Sell it!" The young Lei Yan warrior hurriedly put down the basket of river fresh food, took the time to glance at Luo Bi and said, "Which planet's purchasing team are you from? Purchasing requires queuing up."

Luo Bi was silent for a few seconds: "I just bought some to eat at home."

The other party understood and shook his head: "You don't belong to the purchasing team. Our goods must be sent to the purchasing teams of each planet first. If you have time, just wait. After the purchasing team has picked them, you can buy the remaining river fresh food."

Who the hell buys the rest? Luo Bi glanced at the river freshwater and river clams in the basket. Perhaps they were brought over before she had time to pick them. The two kinds of shellfish were mixed together, some were large and some were small, but it was undeniable that they were both larger.

Luo Bi didn't say anything, and told Bai Kai to go away, planning to wait for Wu Cheng and Xue Zhijiao to come back and go shopping together.

Just as Zhu Xingbao was about to run away to buy some snacks, when Bai Kai brought him back, the child was so angry that he jumped up and down.

"Luo Bi, are you here to buy ingredients?" Ye Tao was talking hurriedly with several small supervisors as they passed by. There were many teams and few supplies. Everyone wanted to get more ingredients according to their own abilities. A large stall pointed at Ye Tao, he had a lot of things to worry about, and when he turned around to see Luo Bi, he pretended not to know him.

You see, this is the difference, Ye Tao is much smoother than Luo Bi.

At this time, Luo Bi couldn't ignore people, and replied with a smile: "Well, I want to buy some ingredients to eat at home."

"Yu Bao." Ye Tao nodded, called a subordinate and said: "Take my niece Luo Bi to the ingredients. If there is anyone who likes it, it will be included in our Korean star purchasing team's share and sold to her."

He turned around and asked Luo Bi: "Do you have enough Star Coins?"

Ye Tao could be said to be comprehensive. Luo Bi had already understood that this uncle wanted to use his power to facilitate her. Luo Bi was a little surprised, but she still said quickly: "That's enough."

Ye Tao was a busy man, so he left after explaining a few words.

Luo Bi asked Bai Kai to call Wu Cheng and Xue Zhijiao back, and they were accompanied by people from the Lin family. Now, with the care of the Lin family purchasing team, Wu Cheng and his group were lucky enough to take the Interstellar coins can be bought at high prices.

Wu Cheng liked blue crabs better and bought twenty of them at once, each weighing about half a catty. Xue Zhijiao and Bai Kai looked at Yi Dong and asked about the price of five hundred interstellar coins each, so they also bought twenty of them.

Not to mention Zhu Xingbao, the little guy had interstellar coins in his hand, so there was no reason not to buy them when he saw the delicious blue crabs, so he picked and bought fifty of them.

This actually surprised the people in the hunting team.

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