Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1793 Increased Combat Power

Luo Bi thought about it. It was so cold today. You could imagine what it would be like to be on an undeveloped planet.

"I bought ingredients today and spent a lot of interstellar coins." Fengling didn't ask, but Luo Bi kept talking, and then asked: "When will you come back? I feel that this winter is different. Will Warcraft and Alien Beasts improve their combat capabilities?" force?"

Fei Ling remained silent: "You see? The combat power of the magical beasts will increase."

Luo Bi was stunned for a moment, and stopped wrapping herself in the quilt to keep warm. She lifted the quilt and sat up: "What should we do? Warcraft and alien beasts are inherently difficult to deal with. Once the combat power is reordered, we don't know how many levels it will be upgraded to. Humans are even less of a match."

"It's too early to worry about these things now." Feng Ling glanced at Luo Bi and frowned slightly. The energy panel at home had not been installed yet. On such a day, even if she stayed in bed, she would wake up from the cold in the middle of the night.

Fengling had no intention of continuing the conversation, so she hung up the phone and dialed Wu Cheng, asking him to help install energy panels at home.

Luo Bi was worried. She had heard about the galaxy war season when she was a child. It was said that this kind of winter was extremely cold. After thousands of years of energy accumulation, the combat power of Warcraft and alien beasts would suddenly break through the bottleneck and increase.

It's unclear how many levels it has been upgraded to, but in short, the warcraft and alien beasts that have been upgraded in combat power are even more difficult to deal with.

It would be fine if it were upgraded to one level, but no amount of humans would be able to do it.

Feeling chills, Luo Bi pulled the quilt around her again and continued to think about her thoughts. At this time, Wu Cheng came, along with Xue Zhijiao, Bai Kai, and Zhu Xingbao. Zhu Xingbao hugged a small pillow and quilt.

"Luo Bi, I'm here to keep you company." Zhu Xingbao raised his little head, feeling very warm.

Luo Bi smiled, led a few people into the house, and asked by the way: "Why are you all here?"

"Install energy panels for your home." Wu Cheng knew the conditions of Luo Bi's family. They were wealthy and had no shortage of energy panels, so he asked, "How many energy panels do you plan to install?"

Luo Bi thought for a moment: "Install two energy panels first. It's just winter, so there's no need to make it too warm."

"Front yard or backyard?" Bai Kai asked.

"As for the front yard, I usually stay in the front yard and rarely stay in the backyard."

Several people consulted Luo Bi for advice and spent half an hour installing two energy panels, one downstairs and one upstairs. The heat from the energy panels dissipated and everyone immediately felt the warmth.

Zhu Xingbao took a look at the guest room where he usually stayed, put on the sheets and quilt, threw away the small pillow and quilt, and ran out happily: "It's really warm with the energy panel, Luo Bi, I will stay at your house from now on."

"Okay." Luo Bi responded with a smile.

"You don't have an energy panel at home?" Wu Cheng looked sideways at Zhu Xingbao.

"Yes, but I like living at Luo Bi's house. Her house has delicious food." The child is very down-to-earth.

Speaking of eating, several people were hungry. Luo Bi had to deal with it with a few packs of snacks for dinner, and she was also a little hungry at this time. There was no shortage of ingredients at home, so Luo Bi simply took out two millet birds from the supply store. She didn't like to eat millet meat, so she finished eating it early.

Zhu Xingbao went to boil water with his short legs. As long as there are children to eat, they are diligent and do whatever they are told.

Wu Cheng, Xue Zhijiao, and Bai Kai were not idle either. They took tools to clear the snow in the yard, widened the paths in the yard, and cleared the way to the backyard and planting fields.

Zhu Xingbao boiled water, and Luo Bi had already prepared other ingredients. She didn't want to deal with the millet, so she raised her foot to call others.

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