Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1794 Not Willful

Wu Cheng and Xue Zhijiao were busy working. Luo Bi called for someone. Bai Kai glanced at them and walked away.

It's just a matter of cleaning up the millet birds, which is very familiar to the Thunder Flame Warrior.

Pour hot water into a basin, throw the millet bird in and scald it, and Bai Kai plucking the bird's feathers. Luo Bi helped change the water. Normally, Luo Bi was not willing to do the task of changing water, but she was not willful in front of outsiders. Bai Kai carried the millet bird with its feathers cleanly pulled out, and Luo Bi changed the water.

The two millet birds were too boring, so Luo Bi poured out half a small pot of small crabs and half a small pot of river shrimps from the basket, and ordered Zhu Xingbao to clean them. Crabs, shrimps and shellfish are different. They need to be washed several times before being put into the pot. Shellfish also need to be raised, so it is troublesome to clean them up.

Zhu Xingbao held the small basin and cleaned it over and over again.

When Luo Bi was no longer needed here, she went to the kitchen area to drag out a medium-sized grill, brought a dustpan of energy wood and lit the wood blocks.

Zhu Xingbao brought the washed river fresh food over, held it high and asked, "Luo Bi, do you think I washed it cleanly?"

"It's pretty good." Luo Bi praised, took the small basin, and didn't have time to marinate, so she directly skewered it and grilled it on the grill, sprinkled with seasonings and slowly savored the flavor: "Go and move a bench, and skewer with me. string."

Zhu Xingbao threw off his short legs to move a small bench and came back to seriously enjoy the river food.

After making a large handful of skewers, Luo Bi placed the fresh river skewers on the grill and sprinkled them with seasonings. Bai Kai brought over the prepared millet bird, chopped it into pieces and put it on the grill, separating the wings, legs and other parts of the bird.

No matter what the ingredients are, the aroma comes out as soon as the seasoning is sprinkled on it.

"I can smell the meat, it's so delicious." Zhu Xingbao swallowed his saliva and exclaimed.

Luo Bi would laugh angrily no matter who talked to him, and the words the snacker would say would be different. Bai Kai put down the ingredients and went to clear the snow again. The cleared snow was carried away by the snow shovel robot to build the ice and snow wall of Jade Bamboo Star.

After the ingredients were baked, Luo Bi asked Zhu Xingbao to call people to eat.

Soon several people came back with Zhu Xingbao. They all smelled the fragrance of the ingredients, laughed and laughed, washed their hands and sat down. Because of the cold weather, I took as many ingredients as I could from the grill and didn't put them all on the plate.

Grab a bunch and it will be hot in your mouth, dispelling a lot of winter chill.

It snowed again all night, and the women and children who went on missions the next day returned to Feizhu Planet one after another. Those who had energy panels at home installed energy panels, and those who didn't had energy panels used energy air conditioners. Every household became busy.

The head of the Zhu family organized a team to go to undeveloped planets to purchase ingredients. After two days of scrambling, they did not come back with much.

Luo Bi gave half of the river fresh food to her parents' family. She said it was half, but it was not. She kept more than half for herself and gave a small half to her parents' family. Luo Hang even thought she was taking things from her parents' family.

"Your mother is not short of food, leave one basket and take the rest back." Seeing Luo Bi's perfunctory look, Luo Hang lowered his voice and said: "This winter is the galaxy war season, you can make some snacks yourself, who else will?" If you think there are too many ingredients at home, take them back quickly."

Luo Bi thought for a moment and was shaken. She had no shortage of food at home, mainly because there was a lot of millet and cereals, and the amount of river fresh food was limited. After eating, it would be gone. Thinking of this, she hesitated and said: "I brought them all, how about moving them back?" good."

While Luo Hang was clearing away the snow, he was thinking about excuses.

Guan Zhuting came over and said, "Why are you sending such ingredients here? There is no shortage of food at home. We take them all back when we leave. With your brother and your father, you are still worried that I don't have nutritious ingredients?"

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