Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1795 Combat Power Upgrade

Luo Bi struggled for a long time, but still didn't move He Xian back.

Hua Ran got a lot of energy panels last year, and she was not stingy about installing them at home. There is one for the living room downstairs and one for the upstairs. When the heat from the energy panels is dissipated, the inside and outside of the house become two different worlds.

Those who have no shortage of energy panels at home are busy installing them, and women are sorting out the harvested materials, food, crystals, and spiritual plants, sorting them one by one, selling those that can be sold, and consuming those that cannot be sold at home.

As the combat power of the warcraft and alien beasts increases, humans are obviously unable to do it. As a result, materials become more precious, especially food ingredients, and those with limited reserves will have to eat wisely from now on.

The children ran out in a swarm, plunging into the forest outside the safety zone to look for food. The children did not dare to go to the deep mountains, and only wandered around Mishan and Xiaozhushan.

Now that the situation is tight, the three major galaxies jointly launched a big hunt in the Qingyao galaxy.

Hundreds of thousands of Thunder Flame fighters were mobilized for this hunt. After all, the combat power of Warcraft and other beasts has been upgraded, and their strength cannot be underestimated. The generals and officers of the three major galaxies thought very clearly that when the Warcraft and Alien Beasts were in the upgrade stage, they could more or less grab the opportunity to fight.

However, the admirals were still thinking too simple. The first time they hunted monsters, they crushed the human side with absolute strength, and then the human beings retreated steadily. The three major galaxies have their own injuries, especially the other two galaxies, which have suffered heavy injuries.

The Lanze galaxy destroyed many arrays, and Major General Xun Jun was seriously injured, with countless minor injuries.

Most of the people in the Fengyao Empire were injured, but they had to fight hard with their spiritually enabled arrays. The Bai family destroyed two arrays, the Lan family destroyed one array plate, and the Leng family destroyed hundreds of jade swords. , five of the Feng family's arrays were destroyed.

If Wu Jiajun did not have Wu Shaozi, the consequences would be disastrous.

Zhan Di's ninth combat team was cut off and was in a dilemma. Zhan Lao exploded at that time, and the whole ladle was killed. Yan Lao later dragged Zhan Lao back while crying.

At that time, the Flame Spoon communicated with the War Spoon using the spoon communication method. We called the Orange Spoon to fight back together. Don't be impulsive. The more spoons, the greater the power. You can't fight on your own.

When Orange Spoon arrived with the basket, he saw the scene in front of him and threw the basket away. He threw it aside and rushed into the group of alien beasts with Zhan Spoon and Flame Spoon to meet Zhan Di's ninth combat team.

In this battle, the human side tested the depth. Seeing that the snow was getting heavier and heavier, and there were almost no people on the other side, all the hunting teams and mercenary groups gathered up to complete the mission.

Hearing that the team is back, the family members can't wait to go to the Emerald Star headquarters.

Wu Jiajun's eyes were red whether he wanted to cry or not. Wu Cheng's heart skipped a beat as his eyes swept over his team and he panicked: "What's wrong? Where are my brother and Wu Shao? Why didn't you see my brother and Wu Shao?"

Luo Bi, who arrived a step later, was stunned, then walked to Feng Ling's side, looked up at the man: "What's going on?"

"Wu Shao's energy was damaged, Wu Shao took it to the Emperor Star for training." Fengling grabbed a handful of colored crystal stones and gave them to the wilted Flame Spoon and Orange Spoon. The two spoons immediately absorbed the energy. Fengling said: "This For the second time, without the spoons, it would be impossible for everyone to get out unscathed."

No matter how capricious the spoon is usually, he will fight to the death at critical moments, and this alone is enough to shock people.

At this moment, Wu Xie also told Wu Cheng about the situation, and Wu Cheng turned around and ran away without saying a word. He had to go to Emperor Star, and he felt uneasy if he couldn't see Wu Shaozi.

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