Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1798 Those who didn’t know thought it was the little golden ball of the imperial concubine p

Zhou Ya and Jiang Xi'er arrived late. Luo Bi looked over and saw that Jiang Xi'er didn't even have to wait in line and went directly to the front to jump in line to receive the seeds. Zhou Ya didn't think it was inappropriate and went to collect the seeds together.

Wei Zi said: "We will go there too."

Luo Bi was shameless, so she didn't want to go. She was just a gifted master. What's so great about getting a bad seed and jumping in line: "Wait and see, let's queue up first. If we can't get the seed, we can buy it from the academy."

Without saying a word, Wei Zi went around and got back two packets of seeds: "I received two packets of vegetable seeds, one packet of cabbage seeds and one packet of green vegetable seeds. They all grow quickly."

Luo Bi glanced at it and asked, "How many seeds are there in a pack?"

Wei Zi opened his mouth and took a look, then handed it over to Luo Bi and He Xiang to see: "Just a small handful."

How much is a handful?

Even after grabbing a handful with one paw, Luo Bi chuckled. Just a packet of seeds can only be planted in an area as big as the table top. The military department is worried that women will not be able to bear the hardship, so they don't want to plant more seeds.

Are you still encouraging planting?

Isn't this nonsense? !

Zhou Ya and Jiang Xi'er received the seeds they were satisfied with and were about to leave. When they saw He Xiang and the others smiling and saying hello, Jiang Xi'er said, "You haven't received the seeds yet? Do you want to wait a while?"

He Xiang responded with a smile: "We have to wait a while."

"Then let's go first."

Zhou Ya and Jiang Xiner each carried a bag of rice seeds and left chatting and laughing. They could receive the seeds without queuing. The two of them had a strong sense of superiority. Therefore, the gifted masters in the three major galaxies are different. They have privileges.

More than half an hour later, Luo Bi, He Xiang and Wei Zi finally arrived, and the staff pointed them out and let them choose. He Xiang chose a bag of rice, a bag of wheat and three bags of vegetable seeds, namely cucumber seeds, carob seeds, and persimmon seeds.

Wei Zi selected a bag of rice seeds, a bag of purple corn seeds, and two more bags of vegetable seeds. The staff looked blank and acquiesced in Wei Zi's behavior. Wei Zi put it away with a smile.

After some tangle, Luo Bi chose a bag of rice seeds, a bag of wheat seeds, a bag of purple corn seeds, and a small bag of peanuts. Peanut bags are inferior to other bags. Visual inspection can only contain more than fifty seeds. The packaging bag is quite high-end. Those who didn’t know better thought it was the little golden ball of the imperial concubine pig.

With the peanuts in hand, Robby chose a pack of soybean seeds. She was afraid of the rarity of the seeds, so she quickly asked: "How many soybean seeds are there in a bag? Don't fool people like the peanut seeds. One bag is too little."

"See for yourself." The staff brought out a bag of soybean seeds, which was only a lot more than wheat seeds. The staff member smiled and said, "Peanut seeds count by one, and soybean seeds by kilogram. This bag of soybean seeds weighs five kilograms. It must be More than peanuts.”

"It's like counting gold for a noble concubine." Luo Bi also laughed. She could still accept five pounds of soybeans, as long as they were not counted one by one.

"No, the seeds distributed by our Jade Bamboo Star are too many." The staff said: "Thanks to the fight between the Zhu family and Captain Wei Biao, otherwise the seeds would be less than these. Do you still want vegetable seeds?"

"Give me a bag of cabbage seeds, green radish, mustard radish, too."

"You want too many varieties," the staff member said.

Luo Bi looked at the other person: "What do you think we should do?"

The staff took out three packets of vegetable seeds: "Forget it, just take it and plant it!"

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