Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1799 It’s hard to say what the harvest will be like

He Xiang and Wei Zi were overjoyed. Luo Bi collected the vegetable seeds, held them in for a long time, and said, "Thank you!"

The staff waved their hands and told them to leave quickly.

The whole material distribution hall was noisy and full of people, Luo Bi went home feeling noisy, Wei Niao and He Xiang stayed and chatted with people, if possible they would like to ask for a few more packets of vegetable seeds.

Don't even think about crop seeds, a handful is not enough to plant.

Luo Bi applied for a high-end home robot to take home, a brand new one that has never been used and can be returned after use. After entering the house, Luo Bi opened the door and took a look. The domestic robot looked very ordinary. It is said that it must be taught to do any job.

Her application to come back and shovel snow was not complicated.

Luo Bi took the shovel and shoveled the snow. The household robot watched from the side and cleared the path in the yard. Luo Bi took the broom and swept it again. Although the path has been cleared now, there will be another layer of snow soon, but it is impossible to ignore it.

You see, this is the difference between a courtyard villa and a family apartment building.

Then, as soon as he handed over the broom, Luo Bi kicked the yard, and said to the home robot, "Did you see? Do what I did just now, and clear out all the paths in the yard."

The domestic robot started working, first shoveling snow, then cleaning, and the process was meticulous.

Luo Bi looked at it for a while and then ignored it. It was really cold in the yard. She looked up at the sky. It was snowing moderately before, but now it was light snowing. But it was cold and windy, and it was even colder than before.

Turning back into the room and sitting in front of the light brain, Luo Bi checked the seeds while watching the food show. The rice seeds, wheat seeds, and corn seeds were five catties, not to mention the others. It was said that it was a bag, but it was actually a small handful.

She sighed. It can be seen that starting from this winter, planting may be the main focus in the future.

In the past, talented bonders were sought after, and planters took second place. Now the situation has completely changed.

From now on, the position of planter can occupy the top spot.

She knew little about planting Luo Bi, and her memories before time travel and after reincarnation were mixed, and she couldn't figure out how to plant it well. In the past, medicine dregs and ash were the most reliable method of planting, but the quantity of medicine dregs and ash was not large, so it was hard to say what kind of crops could be grown.

Luo Bi was leaning on the sofa, and suddenly her mind flashed, and she dialed a message to her mother's family: "The headquarters will distribute seeds today, Mom, do you know?"

"I just heard that I am on my way to collect the seeds now." Guan Zhuting made an appointment with Mrs. Zhu and was now packing up and getting ready to go out.

"Then go quickly! There are so many people."

After hanging up the call, Luo Bi thought about what to do first. She had no idea what to do at home. After a while, Luo Bi got up and went to the planting field to pull vegetable seedlings. She pulled them out one by one and put them in a pile, dried them in the sun and kept them for firewood.

The roots of the vegetable seedlings were not deep enough, and several of them could be pulled out with just a little force on the hands. This was a job Luo Bi liked to do.

At noon, Luo Bi finished pulling half of the plantation field in the backyard, and she made simple lunch by herself. She packed up eight abalones and roasted two, and copied a portion of spicy chicken to eat with rice.

After taking a nap after dinner, Luo Bi ran to the material distribution hall of the headquarters to watch the excitement. Because the snow was getting lighter, there were more people in the afternoon than in the morning. Tang Lao Lao, Xun Lao Lao, and Wen's Little Fire Ball all came, and they also wanted to receive seeds, so they queued up.

The person in front looked back and his eyes widened: "Can I get seeds with a spoon? Is there something wrong with having too many seeds?"

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