Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1802 Find someone capable while you are young

After finishing the call with Fengling, Luo Bi lay on the bed for a while, then got up to work.

In the yard, the household robot was cleaning up, and the sky after the snow cast faint sunlight. Luo Bi squinted her eyes to adapt to the light, and directed the household robot to go to the side to bask in the sun. For no reason, she just wanted it to bask in the sun.

The domestic robot is working, and there is nothing wrong with sunbathing in your free time.

That's right, it's too cold.

It's dry and cold, and the snow doesn't melt and it's heart-breakingly cold.

Luo Bi wandered around outside the courtyard gate. Across the street, Qi Yan and Fan Yao were still cleaning the small planting fields. The open space at the door is not big, but it can't stand the snow, withered vegetable seedlings, and weeds. The mother and son have not cleared it up since the morning.

However, there was still a small area on the edge of the field, which was quickly cleared.

"Major Feng is not at home?" Fan Yao looked up and saw Luo Bi and asked.

Luo Bi said "Ah": "Not at home."

"I guess so. Major Feng can't let you freeze at home." Fan Yao kept chatting while his subordinates kept saying, "It's so cold outside. Why are you out here if you don't stay at home? You're not afraid of the cold!"

"There is no one to talk to at home." Luo Bi smiled: "I am not idle at home either. The vegetables in the two planting fields are all frosted. Like you, I am ready to pull out the vegetable seedlings and plant them."

"Grow it! I can't even afford to buy and eat it, no matter how much money my family has." Fan Yao had a strong body. He stood up and pressed his waist and sighed: "I heard the old people said about the galaxy war season. It's cold in winter, and the warcraft and alien beasts are powerful. "It's not an exaggeration to say we can't eat."

Luo Bi asked for details: "Ordinary ingredients are not enough?"

"Ordinary food does not count." Fan Yao waved his hand and said with a serious face: "After entering the galaxy war season, it is best for women and children to eat food containing nutritional energy, which can not only keep out the cold, but also strengthen their physique. Otherwise, the body will suffer losses in the future. No matter how much you try to patch it up, you can’t make it back.”

"When your body is damaged, your appearance will not look good. It's time for a man to change his wife. I'm already married for the second time and I don't want to get married for the third time."

Luo Bi thought for a moment and said, "You don't need to get married. You are capable and it would be good to take care of the children by yourself."

Fan Yao gave Luo Bi a look that you don't understand, and said: "With a man to rely on, why do I, a woman, have to work so hard to live with my children? Isn't it just right for me to find someone who can support our mother and son while I'm young? He is my son." Son, I won’t be happy if you don’t support him.”

"Besides, I also love his child." Fan Yao continued to work: "You don't know that our two families are neighbors. Haozhe's child has no eyesight and doesn't find a job by himself. Why can I tolerate it? Just In order to let Yang Yu raise my son."

Luo Bi: "······"

Awesome! This woman is not refined in appearance, but she is very thoughtful and full of calculations.

However, Luo Bi said in confusion: "I didn't see Yang Yu raising your son, but I saw your son raising the family. Qi Yan does a lot of work."

Fan Yao glanced at Qi Yan, who was holding the vegetable seedlings with his head down, and said unconcernedly: "He remarried after me. He deserves to work more. He has to endure some hardships and experience himself. He is better than Yang Haozhe. Qi Yan has nothing." Yes, I won’t die of worry.”

The two were chatting. Qi Yan carried the vegetable seedlings to the ground and came back and asked, "Luo Bi, what are you going to plant in your family's field?"

"I haven't thought about it yet." Luo Bi raised her feet and climbed up the small bluestone wall. The Yang family's small planting field was not big, only about an inch of land. It was narrow and long, and all the seedlings were pulled out were wet soil.

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