Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1803 Go and bask in the sun alone

Luo Bi thought for a while and then said: "The planting fields outside the safety zone are large and it is unrealistic to grow vegetables. You can't say anything to anyone who passes by and picks a handful of vegetables, so you must grow crops."

"Rice can still be planted with winter varieties. Wheat is planted a little later now, but it should be okay. I plan to plant rice and wheat in the planting fields outside the safety zone. If there is open space, I will plant some purple corn." After a pause, Luo Bi continued: "When I look at planting at home, I just plant the two fields in the front and back yards. If I want to grow crops, I'll plant purple corn."

Purple corn is grown outside the safety zone. Given the current situation, it is entirely possible for one or two to be taken away while it is still edible.

Rice and wheat have to be cut with a sickle, which is quite troublesome, and almost no one thinks about it.

"Do you have so many plant defense covers at home?" Fan Yao asked. She also wanted to grow a few kinds of crops, but unfortunately there were not enough plant defense covers. She couldn't even buy them when she was buying them from Xingwang. Some people moved incredibly fast: "I Last night, I grabbed two plant defense covers all night long."

Luo Bi: "..." Isn't it too little to snatch two at once? !

Luo Bi was sullen: "Just be satisfied, it's good to grab two. I've been ordering for several days, but neither of the two plant defense covers have been delivered."

"What's going on?" Fan Yao was dumbfounded and stopped.

"There are so many people rushing to buy, what else can happen?!"

Fan Yao stopped chatting and got up and hurried home: "No, I have to grab it quickly. You can't grow anything without a plant defense cover. I've ordered it now. If you give it to me next month, the cucumbers and vegetables will be cold."

Qi Yan looked up and continued to gather the vegetable seedlings and carry them to the ground. The child did things seriously and was not sneaky at all.

"I'm going home to work too." Luo Bi jumped off the small bluestone wall and chatted to no end. If she had her way, the conversation wouldn't be over until dark. She had to do her job properly.

After going home for a spin, Luo Bi moved the sun-bathing household robot to a suspended sports car and sent it to the headquarters. It’s been several days since I applied for a home robot, and it’s not snowing anymore. It doesn’t make sense that I haven’t sent it back yet.

In the courtyard of the Feizhu Star Command Headquarters, Huang Chao moved the household robot down and asked, "Why did you send it back so quickly? Your family doesn't need it anymore?"

"No, the yard has been cleaned up." There was a lot of snow in the yard of the headquarters, and several household robots were cleaning it. Luo Bi took a look and said, "We can't clean up the ones on trees and rocks. The yard is clean. ”

Huang Chao patted the home robot and said, "Go to work."

The household robot beeped away, and Luo Bi turned around and got into the suspended sports car to go home.

Huang Chao turned around and looked at the home robot Luo Bi had sent back. He was so angry that he didn't get angry. He didn't know how Luo Bi used it. He used the broom to pull the home robot twice, but it didn't do much work. He just went to dry it by himself. The sun is up.

Let's bask in the sun. Not only does a domestic robot not do its job, it also lounges around on a chair like an old man. It's as irritating as you want.

Huang Chao was depressed and had no choice. The man couldn't hold back his anger and patted the home robot twice. Unfortunately, it didn't have much effect. Other home robots were busy working, but this guy followed behind and went to bask in the sun. sleep.

Lan Xun and He Weiting heard about it and ran to the yard to see what was new. They asked with a smile: "It's interesting. Who taught you this?!"

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