Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1804 This winter is still here

Huang Chao didn't say anything, but laughed, ok, everyone understands, Luo Bi taught this household robot a mistake.

Lan Xun had a sudden heart attack. He originally wanted to send Xun Shao Shao to Luo Bi's house to learn knowledge. Lan Xun didn't ask for Xun Shao Shao to be smart and just be able to count. At this moment, Lan Xun was a little hesitant. Xun Shao now likes to play with soil. What if Luo Biyi teaches him that he is also keen on raising pigs?

Yan Shao from Bai Yan's family likes to raise pigs. Raising pigs is better than playing with soil. Earth costs no interstellar coins, and small native pigs are not cheap.

Luo Bi didn't have time to teach spoons now. She returned home and continued to pull vegetable seedlings. She first organized the planting field in the backyard. The round eggplant seedlings are like small trees and require a lot of effort to pull them up.

The planting field in the yard is different from the farmland outside the safety zone. Even if it has not been taken care of for a period of time, the weeds in the field are relatively wild, but there are fewer weeds than in the farmland. After Luo Bi pulled out the round eggplant seedlings, she took a small The hoe looked for weeds again.

She hoeed the weeds and threw them for the partridges to eat. She tortured most of the poultry at home. She ate more than fifty partridges, ducks, geese, and native pigs. Zhu Xingbao was not willing to do it for this. Come and keep her company.

There was no other way, so Luo Bi had to cook millet meat in different ways, just to coax the children to keep her company.

There are several ways to cook the same ingredients, such as grilled millet, fried millet, sauced millet, and braised millet. Luo Bi's cooking skills are not very professional, but Zhu Xingbao has gained experience from eating. He stood aside and gave instructions. In short, two people are doing it. Ripe.

Luo Bi couldn't bear to take out the river fresh food. Occasionally he would take out a few for different tastes, and usually ate millet meat.

It's not that Luo Bi is stingy, it's because river fresh food is a highly nutritious food. If you eat one, you'll lose one. But her family has no shortage of low-nutrition food like millet, so Luo Bi doesn't feel panicked no matter how much she eats.

At first, Luo Bi was not used to doing farm work, and her physical strength could not keep up. She would go for a walk for a while, or sit on a sofa chair in the yard to rest for a while. After working all day, her back would be sore and her legs would hurt at night.

After two days, I gradually adapted to it and moved much faster.

After working hard for several days, Luo Bi cleared half of the field.

During this period, Fengling came back and went to the Zhihuang Star Garrison Base the next day.

The snow that had stopped for several days started to fall again today. Fortunately, it was not heavy. It was cloudy and turned to light snow. It stopped now and then, so it did not delay the work.

Mrs. Zhu brought several Zhu family children to visit her. She was also tired from work, so she took the opportunity to take a rest.

It seemed that someone came to play with her, so Luo Bi threw away the little hoe and called for everyone to come to the glazed gallery hall to talk. An energy panel was installed in the glazed gallery hall, which made the children feel warm as soon as they walked in. The children were very happy.

"Why does Aunt Zhu have time to come out to visit? How busy is your planting field?" Luo Bi dragged the medium-sized grill into the glazed gallery hall and prepared to chat while eating. It is already ten o'clock in the morning: " Forget about other ingredients, how about eating millet meat?"

"The fried millet bird rack is delicious." Zhu Xingshao suggested eating it fried.

Zhu Xingsu went to clean up the millet birds, and Mrs. Zhu said: "What to eat? It's not time to eat yet."

"It's not a good thing." Luo Bi didn't take it seriously: "I don't have anything else to eat at home, but there is no shortage of millet. How about Aunt Zhu cooking the spoon? I don't know how to fry millet, but yours is delicious."

"Millet is also a nutritious food. You can't eat too much of it. It's still growing this winter." Mrs. Zhu no longer stopped her. She couldn't ask for a good relationship between the two families.

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