Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1806 This is a good thing

Mrs. Zhu packed up the millet bird and gave it to Zhu Xingshao.

Zhu Xingshao washed the millet bird inside and out, then went back and carefully cleaned the bird's intestines. The bird offal is also a delicacy after being cleaned up, but it takes a lot of effort and trouble to clean up.

There are no missions in winter and everyone stays at home, so bird offal is naturally included in the diet.

"There are many people in my family, but I can only give two plant defense covers to your family." Mrs. Zhu said: "I will talk to your Uncle Zhu later and ask her to keep an eye on the plant defense covers for your family."

"No need." Luo Bi finished washing the green persimmons and stood up: "Fengling said the legion can apply."

"That's right!" Mrs. Zhu said with joy on her heavy expression, "It's good that you can apply, so that every household can grow crops."

Luo Bi went to choose vegetables again, and Mrs. Zhu was left to Zhu Xingshao. She brought three millet birds to the kitchen area, chopped off the thighs and wings of the birds with a knife, and left the bird racks for marinating.

"Zhu Xingrong, light the fire." Mrs. Zhu shouted.

"Here we come." Zhu Xingrong, who was looking at the bamboo in the yard, ran over, moved the small bench, and sat down to light the fire.

When Mrs. Zhu saw that the oil was hot, she put the marinated bird rack in and fried it. The fragrant meat smell spread far away, attracting the children to stop doing anything and all gathered in the kitchen area.

"Auntie's fried bird rack is delicious." Zhu Xingbao swallowed, and snacks are no longer rare.

Zhu Xingshao came in with some miscellaneous birds: "Where to put them?"

Luo Bi waved in the glazed corridor hall: "We bake and eat by ourselves."

A group of children gathered together with a whimper, washed their hands in a mess, and put the bird offal on a skewer on the grill. Whoever grilled it would eat it, which was fair and reasonable. After a while, Zhu Xingsu put the fried bird rack on the dining table, and everyone ate it happily.

Mrs. Zhu separated part of the offal and made a spicy offal, stuffed eggplant with offal, mainly with green onion sauce. Not only was the offal spicy, but the vegetable soup was also spicy and fragrant. Zhu Xingbao rubbed it with pancakes Eat them all.

Everyone was eating happily, and Zhu Xingjie and Zhu Xingyun also came.

Later, Qin Cui, He Xiang, and Wei Zi also came to visit. Everyone brought ingredients, and it became lively. Luo Bi cut a section of bamboo fruit wine for everyone to drink, and also took out several durian fruits.

"Drug fruit?" He Xiang was pleasantly surprised: "This is a good thing, a high-grade nutritional ingredient."

Qin Cui broke open a durian fruit and divided it into several portions: "We can just eat two to taste, and pick up the others! The durian trees in your house can produce a few fruits, so keep them for yourself to supplement your nutrition. .”

"Don't mention it." Luo Bi took it out and had no intention of not letting him eat it. He broke open two durian fruits and let everyone share them: "I didn't take care of my family this time on the mission. The vegetables at home were all frosted. The pomegranate fruit trees also froze to death, but luckily the fruit is still edible."

"The fruit tree froze to death?" He Xiang sighed: "It's a pity, durian fruit trees are not easy to grow.

Luo Bi looked helpless: "It's useless to say anything, I'm freezing to death."

Qin Cui was mysterious, eating the plump fruit and asked, "Guess how much this durian fruit sells for in the interstellar coin in the supermarket?"

"One hundred million interstellar coins." Zhu Xingbao answered quickly.

There was absolutely no clue. All the brothers of the Zhu family attacked together, fisting and kicking: "Do you have any points, kid? Have you ever seen a fruit worth 100 million interstellar coins? It's just nonsense." pull."

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