Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1807 The planting industry is booming

A group of children marched from the dining table to the yard, and it was extremely lively.

Gradually the light snow turned to moderate snow, and the children rolled into snowballs. When they had enough trouble, they came back to continue eating.

The snow kept falling, and the children of Feizhuxing went into the forest several times to try to dig wild vegetables and pick wild fruits. In addition to farming, every household is thinking about breeding. In short, they have made many preparations.

The children had a battle with the alien beast and returned defeated. This was a herbivorous alien beast with first-level combat power, but the Little Thunder Flame warriors were no match for it.

As a result, the children no longer dare to go into the mountains and forests, and they look around all day long.

After the Zhu family, Luo Huan sent Luo Bi two plant defense covers, and Fengling applied for five more plant defense covers. Luo Bi, the plant defense cover given by the Zhu family, has been sent to her parents' family. There are currently eight in the family, but she can't use them, so she sent a few more to her parents' family.

Guan Zhuting happily accepted it, and Luo Hang pulled Luo Bi aside to talk: "You have sent so much, is it enough for your home? Plenty of food just in case, why don't you be more careful."

Luo Bi was dissatisfied: "I'm too obsessed with this. Why are you so fussy when I send things to your house?"

Luo Hang: "······"

Okay, he will depend on the child. At worst, Guan Zhuting will plant something and he will deliver it to the child.

The more Luo Hang thought about it, the more feasible it became. He had thought wrong just now. Luo Bi's physique was not suitable for farming. He was strong and Guan Zhuting was also diligent. With the plant defense cover, he could grow a variety of crops and vegetables at home. .

When it grows up, just give it to your child.

Soon, all galaxies will implement application for plant defense covers and seeds. Anyone with farmland at home is eligible to apply.

As soon as this news was announced, the planting industry in the three major galaxies flourished.

At this time, the residents of Feizhu Star also took action and went out of the safety zone to plow their farmland. Because they could not go out on missions, the residents paid more attention to the land and expanded to all directions on the original basis.

When the conditions were good, he took the opportunity to buy farmland, but now he was thinking about Luo Bi's planting field.

"I want to buy your family's planting field. How many interstellar coins per acre? You name the price and I'll buy it." Zhou Ya has already inquired with the people who work nearby. The planting field of Luo Bi's family is about three acres. , the autumn harvest was very good, otherwise she would not have decided on this planting field.

Luo Bi smiled. She didn't know why Zhou Ya thought she would sell the farmland, but Zhou Ya thought no, she wouldn't sell it: "Who told you that I would sell the farmland? Children know how important farmland is now. , but no one who can live well would sell land, how could you sell farmland just because I know how?"

Be sick! You always think that others are fools and you are the only one who is smart. What the hell.

Zhou Ya was not innocent. She came over after asking for details: "Don't you have a planting field over there in Xiaozhu Mountain? Can you plant it? You still have to spend interstellar coins to hire people to do the work. Why don't you sell this field?" Give me."

The farmland in Xiaozhushan was plowed by Luo Bi with a hover car. The location is relatively remote and the risk factor is high. Not to mention that Luo Bi does not sell farmland, but even sells that piece of land. She only sells this piece of land when she is full. .

Zhou Ya is not stupid, she knows which piece of farmland is good.

"If you don't want to sell it, go ask someone else!" Luo Bi was waiting for Zhu Xingsu to plow the land for her. She didn't plan to pay attention to Zhou Ya anymore, but: "To be honest, not many people will agree to sell you the land. How much do you want? Others also think, how could they sell it to you."

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